I was just looking back over the Bobbox Test post and some of the posts about belief and faith etc. reminded me of something an ops manager I used to work with once said. He was vehemently anti-religion, and he said to our secretary once [who was catholic], did she think God was all powerful. "Well of course" she replied. Now the Ops Manager said "OK, if he is, he should be able to create something so heavy he would be unable to lift it". She said well yes, to which he replied "Well if he can't lift it, he's not all powerfull!"
Well there you have it, with apologies to anyone who may have heard that saying before. My personal favorite was a quote by, I think Voltare who said "If God didn't exist, then mankind would have created one", or something along those lines...
BTW, this post is in no way anti-religious. Religion, like the colour of your car [BLUE, obviously], is entirely a matter of personal choice...Though I've never heard anyone being killed over the colour of their car...
Well there you have it, with apologies to anyone who may have heard that saying before. My personal favorite was a quote by, I think Voltare who said "If God didn't exist, then mankind would have created one", or something along those lines...
BTW, this post is in no way anti-religious. Religion, like the colour of your car [BLUE, obviously], is entirely a matter of personal choice...Though I've never heard anyone being killed over the colour of their car...
