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Old men on benches...

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  • Old men on benches...

    I know this won't mean much to the younger members of this forum, but yesterday I saw a couple of old men sat on a bench just watching the world go by, something I've not seen for a long time [or "yonks" as the oldies might say].

    Anyway my point is do any of you remember when this was a pretty common sight? Or has this ritual just died out where I live?

    Carpe Biscalorum...

  • #2
    The country is so full of anti-social, arrogant, foul mouthed little sh*ts nowadays, so the old fellas go to each others sheds for a chat these days.


    • #3
      Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
      The country is so full of anti-social, arrogant, foul mouthed little sh*ts nowadays, so the old fellas go to each others sheds for a chat these days.

      Yeah, I'd actually not thought of that....pretty depressing isn't it...
      Carpe Biscalorum...


      • #4
        Cant sit on a bench round here as most of em have got last night's curry and chips, $$$$ and god knows what else on em, And if you did prob would'nt be long before you got mugged, Couple of years ago some ba$tard yobs set fire to a tramp who was asleep on a bench near here, He survived but was in
        Salisbury burns unit for ages, Dont know what the yobe got, Prob a couple of weeks comunity service,
        Too young to die and too old to give a toss


        • #5
          Me and the guide dog pups sit and chat to an elderly gent who is deaf and has a dog for the deaf, which is 12 years old and deaf, but we all enjoy sitting and meeting each other and the world in general.

          So the bench in the town centre is pretty important to him and many others because it gives them a chance to get out and meet people, therefore I think those of us that can should do what we can to ensure these simple pleasure remain for everyone, young and old alike


          • #6
            Originally posted by tonytom
            Me and the guide dog pups sit and chat to an elderly gent who is deaf and has a dog for the deaf, which is 12 years old and deaf, but we all enjoy sitting and meeting each other and the world in general.

            So the bench in the town centre is pretty important to him and many others because it gives them a chance to get out and meet people, therefore I think those of us that can should do what we can to ensure these simple pleasure remain for everyone, young and old alike

            I couldn't agree more...I think we are all guilty to some extent of letting things "go". It is our society after all, and down to us as to how we conduct it...or indeed condone it.
            Carpe Biscalorum...


            • #7
              I aggree as well, Problem is getting people to unite against these scumbags and reclaim the streets and parks in the evening, There seems to be no backup from the police, and it seems like noone can be bothered, The last time i confronted some yobs who were running riot in our road, climbing on peoples cars etc all i got was a lot of mouth and the threat of one of their dads comeing round and "f**king knock you out" was the term! I called the police and they never turned up, They phoned three days later to see if i was still haveing trouble and i told them what i thought of them, A couple of days later my sons car had the window smashed and aeriel and wing mirror broken off, Shortly after that my patio door glass was smashed with a stone,
              So what good did i do haveing a go at em,
              Now i got a scroat moved in next door (rented) who does banger raceing!!
              added to the one across the road who already does it and is a mate of this one plus a bunch of kids who are always out there being a pain, climbing on my garage etc, and the evenings and weekends are lost, They take over the road, I got nothing against banger raceing but its the $hit all over the place and noise, There's bits of cars, wire, nuts, bolts screws, paint, oil,mats etc all over the place and all the bl00dy council can say is theres nothing they can do as he's persueing a lawfull hobby, Cant afford to move and even if i could its the same all over so what do you do, Your on your own, I just had to stop typeing this cos there was some c**t standing on our garden wall and thats 6ft high, the f**king lot, Rant off me chest, At least i can get the truck in the garage or i'd never sleep
              Too young to die and too old to give a toss


              • #8
                this will sound like an old git thing but its not...

                ...the lack of discipline in schools and at home is killing this country. it started when i was a kid, liberal do gooders had already convinced my parents that a kick up the backside or slap accross the chops was a no no. now, we turned out ok with respect for our elders because my parents instilled that tyhe most important thing is family, and respect for others.

                now at the same time i was growing up around kids who would swear at their elders in the street, which when i was with them scared the hell out of me because it was such a no no. their parents never bought them up with respect. now i'm watching these same kids bring up scrotes of their own and to be honest, they should all be sterilised at birth and not allowed to reproduce until they obtain a license, for which you should have to prove you can afford, can be bothered and actually want a child.

                these kids today swear at their own parents in public!!! so what respect will they have for anyone else. imagine what the next 10 years have in store for us when these little sh1tes have kids when they reach the age of 14.

                no discipline at home or school=a hell of a sh1tty society.
                i swear, it was like that when i got here...


                • #9
                  Exactly right!! The parents of these kids accross the road see what they get up to and do nothing, No respect for anyone or anything, We brought up four children here and they were never any trouble to anyone else, They knew the'd get a slap if they were, Teachers are scared stiff to disapline em for fear of getting "done", Christ i remember once getting chucked out of the pictures along with a lot of other lads by this burley copper he gave me a slap round the head when i protested my innocence, when i went home and
                  told my dad he gave me another one and i did'nt get out for a week,
                  Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                  • #10
                    It all started as soon as this country was 'controlled' by the suits in Brussels.


                    • #11
                      but i was looking forward to sitting on a park bench when i get old(er..) maybe even pointing at things that havnt been there for 20 years with a walking stick.....
                      it's in me shed, mate.


                      • #12
                        As soon as the end of the walking stick was more than six inches off the ground, you'd have a S.W.A.T. team pointing guns at you for being a threat to society


                        • #13
                          you'll be alright chillit, you can sit in your shed!!!

                          its the rest of us without such luxuries who'll be bored to tears sitting in arm chairs indoors day in day out, straining to see the text on the www.hiluxsurf.co.uk site while our maid robots are outside doing the heads on our surfs while we moan about the price of veg oil reaching £30 a litre!
                          i swear, it was like that when i got here...


                          • #14
                            Old men on benches

                            When I was a kid (missus still thinks i am!) 30 odd years ago, there were 4 old chaps who used to walk up to the end of our lane and sit and watch the world go by (they even built the bench themselves out of bits of discarded wood!). The top of the lane overlooks fields (its a golf course now) and you can see right across the cheshire plane to the welsh mountains on a clear day (about 50 miles). Never see anything like that now, sign of the times I guess! Reminded me of last of the summer wine before it got silly...............ahhhhhhhhh hhh well..........Hope i'm surfin till the end, even if its in my dreams!
                            Don't call me love, its not my name!!


                            • #15
                              One of those weird things. You get those mouthy kids in the sticks (where I grew up) but never in the city (where I live). Must be scared of getting shot in here, just as we all are.

                              The parents don't know any better, they all grew up in $hit too. Hopefully, they'll all learn by the time they get to a reasonable age and maybe keep their kids in line. Maybe things are gonna get better.

                              I remember old men on benches, and I still smile at those I see.

                              And that comes from one of the younger forum members, although sadly past Logey and the days of Avalon being long gone......

