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How Bad or Good are they really

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Vagrant No2
    A bit like my body
    what ya talkin' 'bout willis?

    think you look tip top in that there bra/bikini number, very patriotic!!!!

    well done Miss!!
    i swear, it was like that when i got here...


    • #17
      Well said everyone, £ for truck i would'nt swop it for anything else, I've always loved my yanks and had a few but i'm enjoying the surf much more than any of em, Should have got one years ago (if i could have afforded it)
      and this site just makes it even better, I used to belong to the uk Buick club
      many years ago, before pooters,(i mean they were invented but not many people had em) it was all written corispondance and a monthly newsletter with b/w pictures, it was slow goin and i was chuffed to f**k to get pics of my Riv in there, I worry about the head but even if it goes it's still well worth fixing as opposed to getting something else
      Too young to die and too old to give a toss


      • #18
        I bought mine with 70,000 (miles not klicks) on.

        It's now on just about 126,000, and I just got back from a 400 mile drive down the country and back, in comfort all the way.

        Apart from the electric back window, and just recently a coupla balljoints, i'ts had nothing done but consumable stuff, brakelinings, tyres, backbox etc, apart from stuff I broke off, and that's jin 56,000 miles in an old car.


        • #19
          The only downside at present is the MPG....but thats because I'm sat in traffc every time to work or going home so it kills it!

          Any trouble had with the Surf has been caused by me putting it through its paces


          • #20
            must be Mad me

            I have spent hearly £2000 on my surf since i bought it a year ago i saw it in the showroom of a local garage and it instantly said to me " BUY ME " i did and have been buying a new one bit by bit ever since . Am I unhappy ? not on your life . i now have a surf that will go on for a good long time and although its a second gen it has cost me £4000 altogether . but its brought a big smile to my face and ive met a lot of good people because of it . My daughter owns one of the oval badge things and she has trouble with it as well . You pays yer money and takes yer chance . I mean i would never have got to know the sparkling wit of matt and vince if I hadnt bought it .

            as vince says " KEEP ON TRUCKING"

            Here endeth the sermon.



            • #21
              Originally posted by ian619
              Well said everyone, £ for truck i would'nt swop it for anything else, I've always loved my yanks and had a few but i'm enjoying the surf much more than any of em, Should have got one years ago (if i could have afforded it)
              and this site just makes it even better, I used to belong to the uk Buick club
              many years ago, before pooters,(i mean they were invented but not many people had em) it was all written corispondance and a monthly newsletter with b/w pictures, it was slow goin and i was chuffed to f**k to get pics of my Riv in there, I worry about the head but even if it goes it's still well worth fixing as opposed to getting something else

              Was that a Buick Riviera that you had, a guy that I know has a 1964 4550cc that has been restored, $$$$$$ great thing.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Linda
                Well.... Tony spends all day every day working on surfs, fixing them, lifting them, servicing them. He knows all their faults inside out...and what do we drive, out of choice??

                Surfs, thats what. So they can't be that bad can they???
                Well said that Lady, after nearly 5 years of Ownership my Truck £ for lb has gotta be the Cheapest & most fun motor I've owned in Donky's, (hope I ain't cursed now) & I'm still

                All in all from a 1990 truck that's good value & a BIG Grin 24/7

                There's Always a Payback.... You just can't see it Comin !!!!
                Last edited by Diezel Weazel; 22 June 2006, 23:08.
                Buncefield Burner


                • #23
                  I've met a few surf drivers locally and to my surprise they knew very little about their surfs, they just bought them as work horses to tow their tools around, and cos they look good with big tyres on.

                  One guy had never had it in 4x4 in three years and didn't even know how to get it into 4x4 until I showed him how to use the small gear lever!!!

                  And then he says " oh, I wondered what that was for"!!??

                  But niether of them had any major probs, so I think most of the "faults" lie in the general off road abuse they get rather than just being unreliable.

                  Lets face it, if you took the most reliable car in the world ( a Toyota I believe) off road and drove it through mud and water and towed a two ton lump out of the mire, I recon you'd break it eventially!

                  Still working for the man!


                  • #24
                    This always makes interesting reading:


                    Look at a Surf. Then, for fun, look at a Freelander.


                    • #25
                      Neat site ! tried a link onto the Rotherham trade site ,they wanted over £11k for a 96N with 55000 miles on the clock !
                      Death rides a Black Horse

