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Water powered Car - the plans

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  • Water powered Car - the plans

    I think this is what the fleabayer was selling .....



    p.s. what a rip.... further investigation proves that its not 100% water its a 93% to 7% gasoline... even then not much power.... also engine block & exhaust rusting drawback/...

    Also an interesting read.....

    Last edited by amethyst; 21 June 2006, 10:08.

  • #2
    Had a bit of a look round the site - here is a choice quote...

    Further, it has been found that the Earth's water supply is not static, as most of us have believed. The amount of water on Earth is increasing every day. In fact, it has been discovered in the last few years that vast amounts of water are daily arriving from space in the form of water asteroids! These huge, megaton water asteroids hit the upper atmosphere, immediately vaporize, and eventually settle down to Earth.
    Anyone seen or heard any megaton asteroids hitting the atmosphere lately?

    You would hear the bang, well, everywhere!

    Also, "primal water", "clustered water", buying clustered water in crystal form...

    The only reliable water fact here is that I nearly pi$$ed myself laughing

    It never ceases to amaze me how gullible people can be

    I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


    • #3
      Originally posted by CaptainBeaky
      Had a bit of a look round the site - here is a choice quote...

      Anyone seen or heard any megaton asteroids hitting the atmosphere lately?

      You would hear the bang, well, everywhere!

      Also, "primal water", "clustered water", buying clustered water in crystal form...

      The only reliable water fact here is that I nearly pi$$ed myself laughing

      It never ceases to amaze me how gullible people can be



      • #4
        Originally posted by amethyst
        p.s. what a rip.... further investigation proves that its not 100% water its a 93% to 7% gasoline... even then not much power.... also engine block & exhaust rusting drawback/...
        Have to admit to only reading a few lines, (it's like having teeth pulled),
        but why would rusting of the system be problematic? The theory surely
        should be to use the hydrogen for combustion? So why the corrosion?


        • #5
          I remember back in the early 60's Mr Crawford a mechi engineer from Motherwell was on the telly with a water powered car and soon afterwards his invention was bought by BP simply to get it off the market. 20 or so years later I worked with his son (another engineer) and all he could tell me was the "convertion" was one small black box, the L shape bits were removed from the sparkplugs and the engines ran cold! BP paid 15k, mibbi a lot of money in the 60's?

