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Questionn for apache and any electronics whizz!

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  • Questionn for apache and any electronics whizz!

    Hi m8, look forward to the design update on your new project.

    I am currently working on a new build big AXI powered wot 4 and need to be a bit clever to allow for cg adjustments with the 14.8 V lipo to avoid a tail heavy outcome.

    The AXI/lipo and ESC were in a total loss crash recently the axi and the lipo are fine but the castle creations 90 amp suffered 2 smashed capitors. The ESC was still providing power for the rx and servos after the impact

    Question, Do you think they (capacitors) actually do anything on a 3 phase ESC? They are big things so must have a purpose.

    I will buy new ones from maplins

    Last edited by phoebelala; 17 June 2006, 07:36.
    I used to have a surf me!

  • #2
    TBH I've never really thought about brushless ESC design, but did design some brushed controllers many MANY moons ago. Looking at the size of the capacitors on my own controllers, I'd imagine they are smoothing between phases or something. They're probably too high capacitance to be anything to do with the frequency switching. Does the controller work without em?

    Anyway, your plan to buy a couple from Maplin sounds the most sensible solution!

    Bought the carbon tubes yesterday (wing joiners - ouch! Pricey!) for the flying wing, and will start 'cutting wood' tomorrow. The flying wing itself is pretty conventional, slightly swept, BUT I'm planning on making a reverse swept centre section with a fan in it (from an old Kyosho T-33) that I can fit between the two wing panels as and when I feel like.That way I'll have a slope soarer and a flat field 'thing' in one model. Looks good on paper...
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world


    • #3
      Originally posted by Apache
      TBH I've never really thought about brushless ESC design, but did design some brushed controllers many MANY moons ago. Looking at the size of the capacitors on my own controllers, I'd imagine they are smoothing between phases or something. They're probably too high capacitance to be anything to do with the frequency switching. Does the controller work without em?

      Anyway, your plan to buy a couple from Maplin sounds the most sensible solution!

      Bought the carbon tubes yesterday (wing joiners - ouch! Pricey!) for the flying wing, and will start 'cutting wood' tomorrow. The flying wing itself is pretty conventional, slightly swept, BUT I'm planning on making a reverse swept centre section with a fan in it (from an old Kyosho T-33) that I can fit between the two wing panels as and when I feel like.That way I'll have a slope soarer and a flat field 'thing' in one model. Looks good on paper...
      The servo output works, I did not try the 3 phase output to motor, post impact, as the 3 leads had seperated in the crash and I thought it best to err on the side of caution with the capacitors smashed. The controller cost me £95.00 so I did not dare try it. Will visit maplins and let you know.

      Your project sounds most interesting, be sure to take pics of the build.

      Flying the edge again today, will get some pics if i remember the cam.

      I used to have a surf me!


      • #4
        Flew the A-10 again today. The more I fly it, the better it gets now I've added a bit more weight. Seems to fly at a realistic speed now, rather than looking like an odd shaped balloon!

        Had a near miss when the little collet that fits to the elevator servo arm fell off (!) probably due to vibration. Luckily I was motors off, coming in to land and over long grass when it nose dived and wouldn't respond to elevator!

        No damage. Which for me is a first!
        Cutting steps in the roof of the world


        • #5
          Originally posted by Apache
          Flew the A-10 again today. The more I fly it, the better it gets now I've added a bit more weight. Seems to fly at a realistic speed now, rather than looking like an odd shaped balloon!

          Had a near miss when the little collet that fits to the elevator servo arm fell off (!) probably due to vibration. Luckily I was motors off, coming in to land and over long grass when it nose dived and wouldn't respond to elevator!

          No damage. Which for me is a first!

          Lucky you, 2 club mates had a high speed mid air, great fun!!!!!!!and 2 shopping bags needed

          My flying was restricted to an hour with the edge (no pics again)

          Tomorrow its IC day and I am flying my IC wot 4
          I used to have a surf me!

