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Help with DOT Code

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  • Help with DOT Code


    Armed with info from various forum threads I looked for the DOT number on my new tyres .... and seem to have found:

    DOT P560 1UP

    Have I read the wrong info - if not can anyone tell me what this code means?

    where's this bit go then?

  • #2
    Whats up with them?

    The DOT mark is for the US market really.
    4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


    • #3
      nothing wrong with them that I can see - just wondered what their age was
      where's this bit go then?


      • #4
        Probably just being too suspicious!! Got new springs too - looks great. Will get some pics to show off!
        where's this bit go then?


        • #5
          DOT Codes
          DOT codes are US government tyre identification number. Each DOT code will usually comprise of 11 or 12 letters and numbers and gives information about, amongst other things, where and when the tyre was manufactured. The first two letters indicate the plant in which the tyre was produced (a list of these is available on the Internet here www.harriger.com/tiremakers.htm) and the last three or (since Y2K) four indicate when it was made.

          For example, a DOT code beginning WA and ending 2102 refers to a tyre built in the Firestone factory in Bethune France in week 21 year 2002. Each manufacturer will have several factory codes referring to various plants around the world.

          Ant other numbers or letters contained within the DOT code are used by the tyre manufacturers to identify tyre size, construction and pattern etc.

          from the web


          • #6
            Thanks. The code I have makes no sense though!
            where's this bit go then?


            • #7
              If its the date code you want then its only stamped on one side of the tyre, and it looks like its been stamped into the tyre after it was been made, if that makes sense. Usually a 3 digit number, i think, eg 482. Which would mean it was made in the 48th week of 2002. This is off the top of my head so i might be slight out with the codes.

              Last edited by Rob; 14 June 2006, 23:25.

