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Strange Email

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  • Strange Email

    Went to bed last night and forgot to turn the Pc off, checked emails this morning and I have one from myself with the title 1545453 and in the text it has 5556, the strange thing is that I have two email addresses one is a Pipex one that I can send and receive and the other is Virgin net that only receives emails, and it was sent by the virgin one.

    Can anyone explain this.

  • #2
    got the same thing. different numbers.

    If you find out what it was post the answer.


    • #3


      • #4
        Sender address spoofing. It's a common ploy with spam mails.
        Check the full headers of the message, you will find it originated
        from a completely different network.


        • #5
          I've had them to from both my email accounts
          I'm a custard donut monster


          • #6
            It's nowt to worry about. It's just spam like any other.
            Literally, if someone creates the e-mail message, including
            (To|From) headers, your e-mail client will show you the
            headers that were created by the someone. Also, unless
            the initial receiving SMTP server is carrying out some form
            of submission/sender authentication, again, the From:
            header can be whatever they please to make, as it is
            created by the sender address entered during the SMTP
            transaction, which, unless authentication of some form is
            being used, they can enter whatever sender address they
            please. And that's only the short explanation.
            Pretty much whatever you do, you can only minimise this
            type of e-mail, but you'll never stop them. It's the same
            reason as to why you get Mailer-Daemon and virus blocking
            notification messages for undeliverable or rejected mail
            which you never sent.

            BTW, I really do have a life, honestly.


            • #7
              I used to get upset with these spam messages ...now because it says where they come from I just go into the corner and give myself a good talking to!!
              Did I mention I have a BLUE one


              • #8
                Originally posted by andy
                Went to bed last night and forgot to turn the Pc off, checked emails this morning and I have one from myself with the title 1545453 and in the text it has 5556, the strange thing is that I have two email addresses one is a Pipex one that I can send and receive and the other is Virgin net that only receives emails, and it was sent by the virgin one.

                Can anyone explain this.

                Just got this warning from my computer company. This seems exactly what you have got....

                Security Advisory : Anti-Virus companies warn that potential new Bagle spam virus may be coming soon

                The anti-virus community have warned PC users that there may be a new Virus being released soon from the virus creators behind Bagle. Users who receive an email from themselves that contains nothing more than a random set of numbers in the subject header and message body may still be infected by a previous Bagle virus and this may be the precursor to a future new release.

                If an almost blank email comes through from your own email address please may sure that a good quality anti virus is running on the PC and most importantly it is up to date with anti virus definitions that include the Bagle series.


                • #9
                  Just in case anyone is lacking a virus scanner, AVG
                  has a freely downloadable version:


                  Another one, with far more frequent updates than
                  generic Windows based AV's is:

                  A M$ version:


                  The *nix version:



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by MattF
                    Just in case anyone is lacking a virus scanner, AVG
                    has a freely downloadable version:


                    i have used them for about 3 years now... bought the full veersion cost £30 for 2 years.... proper bargain... catches everything... updates every day


