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  • karting

    just had a great time on a 45min endurance kart race in Andover

    had a catastrophic (big word) mechanical failure when my front wheel fell off!!

    best time i've had in ages!

    came 6th of 7 teams, but as my mates are all either Marines or pro cyclists (i.e. not fat bastads) that's not too bad!
    nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!

  • #2
    Originally posted by da SLUG man
    just had a great time on a 45min endurance kart race in Andover

    had a catastrophic (big word) mechanical failure when my front wheel fell off!!

    best time i've had in ages!

    came 6th of 7 teams, but as my mates are all either Marines or pro cyclists (i.e. not fat bastads) that's not too bad!
    its great in it, whent last year on a stag due, but me being a fat barsteward didnt come anywhere near the top 10!! the little lads did the best they dont half fly round the circuit. mind you i was still hurting from 3 hrs paint balling....OUCH!!!! it hurts......
    CHEERS JOHN................


    • #3
      this was supposed to be a stag do, but the wedding's off!!

      being heavier, you just can't accellerate out the corners as well, but cos of more grip you can go in faster!!
      nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


      • #4
        Originally posted by da SLUG man
        this was supposed to be a stag do, but the wedding's off!!

        being heavier, you just can't accellerate out the corners as well, but cos of more grip you can go in faster!!
        yeah its them corners that did me although it was raining heavy so when i turned the front wheels i went straight forward.......
        CHEERS JOHN................


        • #5
          I managed to set one of the rear tyres on fire, power sliding the kart, they weren't best pleased
          Now I Have Grown Up, I Need A Grown Up Tonker Toy!

