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cheap mota wanted

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  • cheap mota wanted

    I don't know if I am in right section. Please correct me if not.
    I am looking to buy a cheap mota.
    Cos' my wife works at a school , the daughter goes to another school and I work at another school I am doing 8 school runs a day. I need a cheap mota to save my sanity! I have had a look on autotrader etc. not much luck.
    I am looking to spend about £600. Nothing too big 1200cc max.
    MOT required.
    Anybody seen something around them. PM or email me with details.
    can travel a reasonable distance.
    If this is a bit cheeky please lock and suspend thread.
    Cheers people.

  • #2
    now, are you mechanically minded?

    i've got a 1.6 escort that needs a home... needs rear wheel bearing, oil leak fixed and a tyre for MOT

    Free to a good home.

    otherwise i'll get the s$$$$ value.
    nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


    • #3
      Keep your eyes out for a little 106 diesel.(peugeot)

      Go for ever, use little fuel, cheap tax , cheap to insure.

      Try ebay to find one,then go and have a look and wave your dosh in their face
      Stella Artois


      • #4
        My old man will only buy Citroen AXs these days. Cheap to buy, cheap to drive, cheap to insure. Like this:


        They have a bit of a problem with overheating, but we don't pay attention to niggly details like that do we?
        Last edited by Sancho; 30 May 2006, 00:02.


        • #5
          I have just picked up a cheap little pug 205 for the other half. She is just learning to drive and didnt want anything to flash to pactice in. It had 6 months tax and 12 test, got it from a little back street garage for £300. Runs really well. Plus is does 45-55 MPG.
          I wouldn't normally buy from a back street garage but for a cheap run about its worth having a look.
          i like it muddy!

