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fraudulant emails

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  • fraudulant emails

    just recieved this email.I know its a scam email but thought i would just post it anyway

    FRAUD COMPLAINT CASE 1743535050Dear Ebay Seller ,

    Complaint Tracking Number: 5882507837
    By: x x@awesomeclothing.com
    Item #: 5267557435
    Winning Bid: $139.95
    Payment Method: PAYPAL
    Date Complaint Filed: Fri, 26 May 2006 23:11:12 -0800
    Nature of Complaint:
    I sent a payment but but never received any merchandise.
    Text of Complaint: I won an auction for a $500 BlanketsNMore.com Gift Certificate.
    It was a certificate number which you entered after ordering online. We
    were told by BlanketsNMore.com, that the certificate number was stolen and not

  • #2
    Yea I had a members question asking me for a buy it now price on a black Golf GTI that I knew nothing about.......forwarded straight to the spoof address


    • #3
      hehe, I got this the other day...........

      Dear Toyotatony,

      I'm so sorry I have taken so long to reply to your e-mails. When I received you
      last one, I was just about to leave work and go on holidays and I was extremely
      busy. When I returned from Holiday's I got your e-mail but I thought I would
      wait to I went back to work to e-mail you so I could send you photos as the
      hotmail account takes so long to upload them.

      Check this link: http://plclick.net/?photoid=84305

      Anyway. I was so shocked and very sad to hear about your mum. I hope things go
      well for her and it doesn't get too bad. Can you please pass on my best wishes
      and hugs to her. She is such a beautiful woman and its so sad for things like
      this to happen to the good people and not the rotten dirty buggers.
      Alannah 15. God I can't believe how the time has passed so quickly since I
      visited. You just keep an eye on her and kick her up the butt if she starts
      heading down the wrong path. But I think she is a very smart girl and knows the
      right path but has to experience the bad side too... well who hasn't done that?
      (no comment from me.. he he)

      Well... Randy. When I saw that I did laugh. To me (an aussie) Randy is the
      stereotypical name for a block in America... On the serious side that's great
      for Miranda but not that they are on again off again. I'm sure they will sort
      it out before the isle comes as it will cost to much to be on again off again.

      No kidding, check this link: http://www.plclick.net/?photoid=84305

      I knew you were taking photos of the dancing competitions and working at the
      photo place (that's why I have great photos from America cause you worked on
      them). That's a big change to become a bartender but I can understand what you
      mean about the smoke. I'm surprised they allowed smoking in restaurants. They
      don't here in Queensland anymore. If they have their way they will charge
      everyperson who smokes. And its great to hear you are working with animals. Its
      sad its in that situation

      Hahaha, BTW, you must see this site, it's really funny: http://plclick.net/?FunPics

      For our honey moon we went to Tasmania for 2 weeks. We hired a car and drove
      around the hole place. It was so beautiful and full of history (which I love).
      When I download the photos from my camera I will send you some. I took 7 weeks
      off work so for three weeks I just bummed around home doing bits and pieces. As
      you can tell i'm back at work now...but wishing I was still on holidays.

      Thats really all that's happening in my neck of the woods. I will send some more

      talk to you soon.

      Love to all

      Tahaila Van Kleef
      Executive Support Officer
      Director-General's Office
      Level 13, 111 George Street.
      I've buggered up the links in case some clicks on them by mistake.
      4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


      • #4
        Originally posted by TonyN
        hehe, I got this the other day...........

        I've buggered up the links in case some clicks on them by mistake.
        nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!

