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mrsurf is innocent so kiss my a---

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  • #91
    mr er white akita

    why do you want to go on and on you got the hump because i was selling one of my trucks on ebay cheaper than you , then you start to drag others in to it by geting me wound up ` what you didnt know is i am a member and have been for some time` i asked you not to email me but you did `you forgot to mention this fact you then started to try and get others exited and your plan did work at first but now people ar getting a bit tired of it look mate my id on ebay is spoon456 am known for selling surfs people ar now beginning to see through you all my feedback i say again is for the sale of surfs and this is only the ones in the feedback now then please for the last time stop trying your best to get me wound up ` i was a member on this site under a diferant id you didant know that ether did you ` and forget the mrsurf bit am geting a bit tired of it my name is paul ok? i also notice your feedback on ebay not very good is it so people if you want to see the guys feedback take a look it tells a diferant story dont you think ? now then do one ` go away` dont forget i have asked you to phone me as i have phoned you if you want to discuss this any further but no reply all you want to do is come on here and slag me so pleas pack it in


    • #92
      It was me that said the thing about your mates sending in questions.

      No offence intended but I'm happy to offer an apology if any was taken. Just poking a bit of fun...

      Certainly not me sending viruses or sabotaging auctions though. That's out of order.


      • #93

        Starting a thread in a more subtle fashion than tarring everybody
        as handbag swingers, (I'm not admitting to owning a handbag, BTW), ,
        might help next time. I wouldn't take any comments too seriously.
        Besides, this thread has been quite amusing.



        • #94
          You should be able to notice paul pr84hn that it was not me that started the previous thread about your ebay ad being incorrect i merely replied telling of your previous bad attitude towards me ,obviously others have had the same nasty replies from you, i emailed you through ebay to say that your advert had a few false claims i.e that your surf was one of the last ones made !
          you didn't reply and say that you would look into it ,you said you knew best because you deal in them and your inteligence about surfs was not to be questioned ! what do you expect me or anybody else to think of someone who would send a reply like that and no you weren't joking . you also sent me a email saying that this site was for sad people and YOU have been a member longer than me ! go figure. personally i think you are a arrogant to$$er and you have my number give me a ring to tell me different. say hello to sandra gates for me and sandra hindmarsh. with a bit of luck this thread is now dead !


          • #95
            to be fare as i did say before i did lose my rag` with the guy in the emails i did lose it big time going on and on about how he is a member of some club this and that and so on` to be very honest i didant know who the hell the toyot owners club was thers so many sites and clubs and so on `so yes in my confused angry state lol i didant realise i was also a member of the same forum` when some guy starts to wind you up email after email in my book its provocation , ther is a lot more to this story and i havant realy got the time to go on am sure you have all had it with all this ` i will stil be selling surfs for a lot longer than mr dunn wil be driving his ` i got things to do like most people so please mr dunn or white akita do some washing up or somthing mate and leave me alone to wind me up with your emails and then post my reply on a forum without my knowledge then when you have got everyone going you then email me to say look what i did to you` a bit sick in my book your stil worm mate ` sorry people but i had to say it also sorry for going on a bit


            • #96
              with bells on

              say hello to who?? i have never stoped ringing you as you know also mate by displaying what you thort was my post code says it all dosant it` got found out love didant you now who is angry see what i mean people didnt all go his way did it


              • #97
                ok sancho and mattf

                sancho thanks for the apology and mattf your right mate you got to take it as funn like you say ` aniway thats it for me am draind


                • #98
                  Originally posted by mrsurf
                  to be fare as i did say before i did lose my rag` with the guy in the emails i did lose it big time going on and on about how he is a member of some club this and that and so on` to be very honest i didant know who the hell the toyot owners club was thers so many sites and clubs and so on `so yes in my confused angry state lol i didant realise i was also a member of the same forum` when some guy starts to wind you up email after email in my book its provocation , ther is a lot more to this story and i havant realy got the time to go on am sure you have all had it with all this ` i will stil be selling surfs for a lot longer than mr dunn wil be driving his ` i got things to do like most people so please mr dunn or white akita do some washing up or somthing mate and leave me alone to wind me up with your emails and then post my reply on a forum without my knowledge then when you have got everyone going you then email me to say look what i did to you` a bit sick in my book your stil worm mate ` sorry people but i had to say it also sorry for going on a bit
                  So now you "remember" you are a member of THIS forum its no longer sad like you said ! you also said you might be stopping selling surfs but now you are saying that you will be selling them alot longer ! again take a good look at the previous thread about you it wasn't me who first started posting your abusive replys to rational questions, you dug your own grave boy, to say you have tried to phone me is a lie . you are blatantly a hipocrit (spelling) ??
                  none of your replys make sense ! you will say anything to worm your way out of it, don't forget at the start of this thread you called everyone who uses this forum SAD and that they have no life, you seem to be using it now more than most !


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by TonyN
                    Jeezeus Pops, keep up, read the thread! :d

                    Cliff notes......

                    Ebay ad with large errors,

                    Posted on here for us to laugh at...

                    Errors pointed out to seller,

                    Emails from seller saying we're all idiots and wrong,

                    Emails posted here for us to laugh....

                    More emails along with links to prove errors

                    Seller eats humbles pie, agrees with facts and say its OK for him to abuse people via email cos he was having a bad day.

                    Marky wants to buy original truck in ad.

                    Pops asks what going on.....

                    etc, etc.......

                    Just another Internet forum soap opera for your entertainment.
                    silly me tony.
                    blimmy looks like a lot about nothing to me gotta go to work now to earn pennies for my new 5th gen by the way i have GLEAMED
                    from this thread OUR Marky is getting a new Motor (did anyone else Notice)
                    Enjoying Life after Cancer


                    • Excellent Thread

                      Better than Cori, Car`nt help thinking that most of last nights comments were written under the influence of something,Could`nt understand much of it.
                      Stella Artois


                      • man that took a bit of reading...
                        Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


                        • That was the 'War and Peace' thread!


                          • How in Gods name did a thread get that long in such a short time!!

                            I'm glad its all calmed down a bit, but to be fair. If i joined a forum, and the first post i made was having a go at every single person on there, i'd have a expect an absolute grilling. If you insult someone they will insult you back. If you insult a couple of hundred people watching on a forum, you should expect a couple of hundred people insulting you back.

                            We'll have to be careful that this thread doesn't overtake the "POP QUIZ, come on have a go" thread.

                            A good day to all!

                            Just trying to raise my postcount!


                            • Originally posted by B16mts

                              We'll have to be careful that this thread doesn't overtake the "POP QUIZ, come on have a go" thread.

                              A good day to all!

                              Hope it does,Far more entertaining
                              Stella Artois


                              • white akita is ok by mrsurf

                                at last today i can say with grate relief me and white akita have spoken on the phone and have now resolved our diferances it was all a bit of a misunderstanding ` and after speeking to him he seems a nice bloke ` i can now sleep with both eyes closed and open packages again `lol also the handbag thing was only intended for the few peeps that joind in and had a go `so sorry it wasant ment to offend regards paul i used to be mr surf you know lol the end

