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Broadband Help

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  • Broadband Help

    Im getting a lot of activity on my broadband network when not in use can anyone recomend free firewall online s/ware im running XP

  • #2
    Originally posted by marky
    Im getting a lot of activity on my broadband network when not in use can anyone recomend free firewall online s/ware im running XP
    I just use the firewall which is built into XP and Norton AntiVIrus 2003 (left on constant Live Updates) - ain't had a problem yet


    • #3
      im using same but when idle there is broadband activity & cpu activity above the norm


      • #4
        If you suspect it is a connection to your box causing these problems, from a Command Prompt type "Netstat" to see what active connection you have. It could be something as innocent as a software update.

        What version of xp are you running?


        • #5
          Its usually an update

          I have broadband via Telewest, and use XP's firewall. I also have Norton Antivirus but it isn't set up for live updates cos it's cheaper to log on to Symantec and run a free system check once in a while!

          As for CPU activity, it's usually Windows Updates being downloaded in the background. It simply uses spare system resources to download the updates whilst you are online. The way to speed the process up is to stay online, but don't do anything. That way the CPU can concentrate on downloading the files (some are huge) and finish the job uninterrupted.

          If you want to eradicate the web robots that infest your PC (and there are loads whether you realise it or not, they aren't viruses so Norton won't find them), then download something like Spybot and run it every few weeks. You can get it for free if you know where to look.


          Rob G


          • #6
            see iff this helps ver 5.1.2600


            • #7
              Unfortunately in Broadband you get a lot of attacks. Attached is my firewall log from being connected today for a short period of time!

              I use PC Cillin A/V and personal firewall as I had a lot of problems with Norton crashing my PC, usually after Windows updates. I also use Adwatch from Lavasoft to protect against adware and some popups.

              In general (for all those reading) make sure that you do have all of the updates from Microsoft. When I had to rebuild my PC while I was running the online updates (Takes a while) I was infected by a worm virus! The A/V picked it up and I could repair it but if you don't have the updates and the A/V you are likely to be attacked.

              If you don't have a personal firewall make sure that you have the inbuilt firewall (XP) turned on for the connection - Should be by default, some filesharing programs turn it off!

              If life's an uphill struggle then downhill from now on can't be that bad?!


              • #8
                i used to use zone alarm on win98 but it wont run on xp
                i get latest windows updates and nav updates windows firewall is on.
                i'll just have to keep my eye on things thanks alot RICH
                (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR


                • #9
                  Originally posted by marky
                  see iff this helps ver 5.1.2600
                  Is this proffessional or home? I ask - because I have know people to enable IIS (Internet Information Services) on the proffessional edition in error, which would increase your network traffic if not configured and locked down correctly.

                  To Rob G

                  I hope you don't mind me saying but this is a bad practise to adopt, it will work fine for routing out those annoying little viruses that sit idle in your system doing no more harm than randomly re-booting your system every now again. However it offers no on the fly virus protection; if you were to be hit by something more devastating, your machine would not be protected as your av protection would not have the definition and there for would not know to stop it, as it happened.
                  Last edited by Flip-Flop; 1 January 2004, 14:41.


                  • #10
                    home edition
                    (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by marky
                      i used to use zone alarm on win98 but it wont run on xp
                      i get latest windows updates and nav updates windows firewall is on.
                      i'll just have to keep my eye on things thanks alot RICH

                      I used the free version of zone labs, zone alarm on XP for a few weeks with no problems, have now upgraded to Norton AV, Firewall and run Adware as well no problems.
                      Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

                      My 4x4
                      My choice
                      Back off


                      • #12
                        I use the BT Openworld Firewall, AVG antivirus, and Adware on my XP Broadband set up.

                        Had the PC checked by a friend whos a bit of a boffin recently and he was very happy with the setup... nothing appeared to get through...




                        • #13
                          Originally posted by marky
                          i used to use zone alarm on win98 but it wont run on xp
                          i get latest windows updates and nav updates windows firewall is on.
                          i'll just have to keep my eye on things thanks alot RICH
                          I use Zone Alarm on Windows 2K professional and on Windows XP (Laptop and Desktop machines) works fine for me.


                          Even Better. Just started running a partition on my desktop with Redhat Linux 9(using it to build a development webserver - still got XP on the other partition). Linux is much more secure with good inbuilt firewalling, it runs faster, more robust, has a good built in Office program, will run Windows programs using the Wine utility.

                          And even better - It came free with a £30 book about Redhat Linux 9 or can be downloaded in various different versions for free.

                          If I could get away with running the Laptop on it I would but I don't think the company would approve.

                          Last edited by lucky; 2 January 2004, 10:10.


                          • #14
                            my company laptop is all whistles & bells s/ware wise. h/ware pants
                            HP Omnibook p3 400mhz
                            (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR


                            • #15
                              I also use Zone Alarm over W2K. But also have a wireless router ( as the phone socket is nowhere near the computer and I can't be bothered to run cables around the place ). With the router running Zone Alarm is almost redundant as it hides the PC and has lots of fancy stuff to stop virus's etc..Useful if you want more than one box to share the connection.


