I had a long conversation with a petrolhead friend of mine the other day. I was toying with fitting a high flow cone filter on the left of the engine bay in the pursuit of better economy (with a light foot) or better responsiveness (with a heavier foot). To this end, he's loaned me the one off his old MR2 turbo which is around 14" x 8". Should be big enough!
I reckon I can duct cold air in and have a short hose to the turbo, but the mechanics of this are outside the point of this question. He suggests that because there is more air available, the ECU will increase the amount of fuel to give the correct mixture, therefore economy will suffer. I reckon that a lighter foot will be required because the system as it is is quite restrictive. I have arrived at the conclusion that it will probably make very little real difference to fuel economy because the ECU will adjust the amount of fuel to suit the amount of air available / power demand.
I am not a believer in the '5-10bhp increase' type cr@p spouted by Max Power etc, I just figured that easing the breathing of the engine might mean less effort for same power = very slightly better fuel economy.
Made 292 miles from topped off to orange light this week after mixed A / B / town driving, so not looking too bad anyway!