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m.p.g. when towing

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  • m.p.g. when towing

    just started using my 3.0auto,3rd gen for towing my caravan,and it aint half thirsty!mite be cos its 2ton twin axle hobby tho!anyone got any gen on wot to expect to the gallon when towing a caravan?and is it best to keep it in overdrive?

  • #2
    I get about 23 MPG with a 1.5 ton Abbey on the back always leave the overdrive on.
    ionic SURFactant


    • #3
      reckon i get bout 18ish,but thats been mainly on a and b roads lots of gear changes etc.never really gave it a good run on m.ways, may be better on main roads


      • #4
        Towing my 1350kgs Bailey Pageant Bordeaux last year I got 19mpg, loaded up with two bikes on the roof as well. Yes, use overdrive when towing but also keep a close eye on your temp guage, unless you have an additional ATF oil cooler fitted, as they can overheat quite badly, especially on hills, with a van on the hook.
        Mike G


        • #5
          had no overheating probs yet! been up some serious hills round n.yorkshire,n.humberland etc. fine so far


          • #6
            16 mpg with ace jubilee on the back in the cotwolds for a week last year, we where playing find the next fuel station
            re overheating mine would go into the red on the gauge on every hill (went trough many clean pants) got this sorted for the princly sum of £10, just top up the viscous fan with silicone oil.
            Surf.gone but not forgottendisco now gone aswell


            • #7
              BEEN RUNNING MINE ON 60/40, DERV/ASDAS VEG OIL i dont mind the mpg so much now. 50p a litre.


              • #8
                steved,i am affraid i tend to get the same as all the others between 15-18 last year on the A31 down to Dawlish ,but this year choose my route better with less stop starting and it topped just over the low 20s,so i guess its as much about the route you pick and the amount of right foot you use, as anything else, i tried setting myself a limit on the rev counter of 2k ,it does make you more aware of the way you are driving and helps keep one eye on the temp guage,but it is almost impossable to acheive


                • #9
                  18 - 20 towing 1600kg twin axle conquerer.
                  [COLOR=DarkOrange]ONLY STUPID PEOPLE THINK


                  • #10
                    My trailer only comes in at 1 tonne, and my fuel economy drops from 20MPG to 19MPG. Thats with the ECT PWR on and trying to keep at 62mph indicated (for some reason she seams to go ultra stable at this speed, according to the SAT NAV it's 57mph).
                    Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


                    • #11
                      looks like my m.p.g. is about normal for towing then,throwin veggie oil in as well,so it makes it a bit easier on the pocket!cheers guys.


                      • #12
                        I got 21mpg towing by Bailey Ranger 420 which is nowhere near 2 ton but it was well frieghted (probably more than it should have been), I had 3 adults (with all theri junk), 3 dogs roofbox with full awning & 2 annexes in and a 75 mobility scooter split between the roof and the boot in the car. I really could not have carried another fag paper. Mind you moving that lot around I kept the speed down to 50-55 and I think it paid back at that sort of MPG.
                        Attached Files
                        Parts of your engine go up, stop then go back! Mm!


                        • #13
                          I guess no one will believe me but towing my race car yesterday i noticed no difference in mpg at all. Still getting around 23-25 ish.


                          MPG? Don't you mean GPM.


                          • #14

                            i am very keen on buying a surf 3ltr DT ssrx but am slightly conserned about MPG. what is a norm on these for road driving in 2wd and 4wd not towing???

                            cheers guys


                            • #15
                              It depends on your driving style and the type of driving you do. Mine averages just under 23mpg over all. You can't use 4WD on 1st & 2nd Gen's on tarmac anyway as those vehicles don't have a centre diff. 3rd gen's do and are a bit better, especially the later 98 on as apparently they have the D4-D engine, so high 20's into the low 30's are more likely. However opinion is split on whether they look as good as the 2nd gens.

                              No Surf is going to be particularly economic as you're pulling around about 2 tons of motor even without towing anything.
                              Mike G

