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In Fron terra my house this morning

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  • In Fron terra my house this morning

    (Unfortunately I didn't have me Camera)
    Waiting to pull outta me drive in the Surf, a (Dogem car, "obviously other's hadn't" ) sort of a Frontera pulled up in front of our driveway.
    As he saw I was waiting to get out, he rollled forward a few feet & lept out
    ( we realised that it wasn't our regular Postman) & he hadn't left it in gear or applied the Handbrake & his "Dogem" was now scooting of down the road on it's own (to cause more damage to it no doubt)
    Didn't see the results Sorry, although it wooda made a good Video clip !!!!!!!!

    Made my day when I saw 3 Surf's within a mile of my House

    There's always a Payback.... You just can't see it Comin !!!!
    Buncefield Burner

  • #2
    Earlier this week I was near Waterloo Station where there is a lot of refurb work going on. There was a bloke walking along picking up rubbish and throwing it in the back of a LR Defender Pickup. I thought the guy behind the wheel was driving a bit slow. What guy? It was chugging along in low and there was nobody driving it. The guy was walking round to the drivers side occasionally to correct the steering. Two PCSOs, a BTP and two Met Police passed it and didn't even comment!
    It's only a hobby!

