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Old Chesnut

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  • Old Chesnut

    Yeah! Insurance, Got the renewal form from the AA (Norwich union) And the
    SOBs have put it up 50 quid to £499, So much for "quote me happy" and giveing the AA my house and contents custom as well not to mention
    breakdown, So spent most of last night "on line" (hehe like i know what im doing) Best quote was via confused.com with its4me for £200.13p but they had the truck down as a Landcruiser Prado 2.4, Next best was Tesco at
    £247.85p, I phoned its4me this morn to put the truck details right and was told as its not on their list they could't cover it, So gone with tesco's, What
    grabs my $hit is how can they give so many different quotes, The whole thing is a big sodding rip-off!!! I feel better now,
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss

  • #2
    Originally posted by ian619
    Yeah! Insurance, Got the renewal form from the AA (Norwich union) And the
    SOBs have put it up 50 quid to £499, So much for "quote me happy" and giveing the AA my house and contents custom as well not to mention
    breakdown, So spent most of last night "on line" (hehe like i know what im doing) Best quote was via confused.com with its4me for £200.13p but they had the truck down as a Landcruiser Prado 2.4, Next best was Tesco at
    £247.85p, I phoned its4me this morn to put the truck details right and was told as its not on their list they could't cover it, So gone with tesco's, What
    grabs my $hit is how can they give so many different quotes, The whole thing is a big sodding rip-off!!! I feel better now,
    i was told that you can not get a quote on the internet for an imported vehicle when i rang my insurers to renew!!! they said that it all has to be done by phone whom ever you are insured with. they said thats why you cant get an accurate vehicle match when searching for an imported vehicle on the tinternet....

    however i think he may not know what hes on about so take that with a pinch of salt........
    CHEERS JOHN................


    • #3
      Insurance is a huge con!

      Over the years i have paid a small furtune in insurance. My over half has just started learning to drive after many years of me nagging (i just want to go to the pub and get her to drive home, is that too much to ask for) and she has had quotes from £400 - £1200 for her first car. I put her on the surf and it cost me an extra £17 per year.
      i like it muddy!


      • #4
        Originally posted by it's Jim
        Insurance is a huge con!

        Over the years i have paid a small furtune in insurance. My over half has just started learning to drive after many years of me nagging (i just want to go to the pub and get her to drive home, is that too much to ask for) and she has had quotes from £400 - £1200 for her first car. I put her on the surf and it cost me an extra £17 per year.
        OH NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! i wouldnt trust my tuther half wiv mi surf OH NOOOOOOOOOOOO

        you will just have to make sure you have a skin full before you leave.....
        CHEERS JOHN................


        • #5
          They are all a load of fraudsters ! I'm sure they just make a figure up out of thin air, Logically it just doesn't figure out how the hell can we get quotes rangeing from £200 up to £1000 from different companies when it's time to renew.
          What really get's me is the one's like Norich union and Tesco's who turn round and say sorry we can't insure an import !! when I know that there are plenty of peeps on here who have their insurance with those very same companies, load of absolute rubbish the lot of them !

          Sorry am I ranting ,

          I'll get me coat !



          • #6
            You may be right about imported vehicle thing, Confused gave me a list of all the qoutes they got and only its4me actually gave a quote all the others had declined quote on imported vehicle, And it4me bl00dy soon pulled the quote
            when i told em its a surf and not a Landcruiser, Tesco's did it all on line
            though and they knew about surf's, All i did was tap in my reg no and it came up 1992 toyota hilux surf 2.4 td ssr, So if they got it on their list why the f**k cant all the others, Shoot em all (except Tesco)
            Too young to die and too old to give a toss


            • #7
              Got mine with Marks and Spencers £350 a year with RAC cover and they new about Surf's unlike most of the others, next best was Tesco's but they didn;t have the RAC cover.


              • #8
                Could have got cover with tesco's for another 50-60quid (dont know who they deal with ) but i'm with the AA anyway.
                Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                • #9
                  Got mine insured through Tesco's as well. No probs. £351 .
                  Thats with me(30) and girlfriend (25) fully comp.

                  Has anyone got a policy that covers for 4x4 events??????? My policy says i'm not,but don't know if they would cover to take it off roading.
                  www.scottishmudclub.com for scottish events


                  • #10
                    The whole issue with some companies is that they have clueless idiots who tell lies. Tesco did to me, even one of the companies used regularly on here, though I cannot remember their name and another one in Liverpool gave me such bull that they quoted me 1400 FC. Got mine from Bell in the end, part of Admiral for 400 FC. At the end of the day, those insurance companies who give out bull, wont get your hard earned wedge, so they are the losers in this. There will always be one firm who is straight and offer more reasonable prices.


                    • #11
                      I went to A-Plan and ended up with a policy through Groupama - 3336 last year £297.50 this year.

                      That is the first time I have renewed without moving and got a reduction in premium

                      Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                      • #12
                        I am with direct line about £ 320 fully comp with full no claims and a SP30. I have just contacted them about planned mods to the surf which the reply came back let us know when you do them and there is no extra cost ?????????????
                        Anyway planned mods are ....

                        2"body lift ......now done
                        Coil spacers
                        winch bumper and winch
                        wheel spacers
                        and rock sliders

                        Are they that good or was i speeking to an idiot as i had to explain what what a body lift was


                        • #13
                          If you want to know how to get really shafted when you go
                          for insurance, just mention the word 'business' anywhere
                          in the conversation. Seems to be a global rule of:

                          Work out quote, then double, then add half as much again



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Woodzie
                            I am with direct line about £ 320 fully comp with full no claims and a SP30. I have just contacted them about planned mods to the surf which the reply came back let us know when you do them and there is no extra cost ?????????????
                            Anyway planned mods are ....

                            2"body lift ......now done
                            Coil spacers
                            winch bumper and winch
                            wheel spacers
                            and rock sliders

                            Are they that good or was i speeking to an idiot as i had to explain what what a body lift was

                            Sounds like they're giving the go ahead for the mods, then you tell them you've fitted them then they'll come back with quote for an excess increase.

                            When they said there is no extra cost, they meant for the inquiry!


                            • #15
                              This is what i mean, It's such a hit and miss affair, They just pull figures out of thin air and most of em dont have a clue what the vehicles is they are quoting on, The girl at its4me did'nt, As for off road cover! i should'nt think so
                              unless they want an arm and a leg, Probably come under the speed trials and
                              stuff heading,
                              I had to phone tesco's as i did'nt get the email (promised) to confirm the
                              policy, and guess what they did'nt have the details!! So i hand to go over it all again and im speaking to someone at a call centre (prob india)
                              bl00dy hard work, Whats the soddin point of doing it on line if you gota do it all again on the phone AAAAGGGGG i give up,
                              Too young to die and too old to give a toss

