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Crash Test

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  • Crash Test

    Following 5th gears horrific crash test showing a disco 'v' espace they have now tried this new trial........
    Attached Files

  • #2
    That could have been so much worse!


    • #3
      These shopping trolleys are a public menace, and the greatest threat to our safety since the bow and arrow were invented.

      I call on the government to tax these offensive weapons to oblivion and will be petitioning Red Ken himself to get them banned from our capital. There is simply no excuse for them in our towns or our countryside. All people do is use them to carry shopping.

      No wait.

      Hang on.

      That's what they're for isn't it?

      Oh darn it! I use a basket at the Supermarket, so everyone else can as well.

      Ban the trolleys !

      I think I'm coming down with bobble-hat-itis.


      • #4
        I agree. Every one I use has been kerbed or driven over pot-holes, the tracking was out on all of 'em! No MOT's on them either!


        • #5
          That trolly must have been shiftin, Bet it was overloaded as well, When did it happen 9pm chrismas eve,
          Too young to die and too old to give a toss


          • #6
            the problem dont lie with the shopping trollys its to do with 95% being driven by women!!!!!!

            oh yes watch all the good good coments come rolling in now!
            can of worms now open folks
            at the end of the day................ it gets dark


            • #7
              Originally posted by shaggy
              the problem dont lie with the shopping trollys its to do with 95% being driven by women!!!!!!

              oh yes watch all the good good coments come rolling in now!
              can of worms now open folks

              I Think the phrase LIGHT BLUE TOUCH PAPER AND RUN might be better


              • #8
                Why a blue touch paper???


                • #9
                  Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                  Why a blue touch paper???

                  Cos they dont do it in bug.....berg.....brug....oh bolox ....RED!
                  is me coat still on the hook?
                  Did I mention I have a BLUE one


                  • #10
                    I have on occaision found the odd trolley very useful at Pub Shut O'clock when going home
                    Got an itch, might need to scratch it soon.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Doc Martin
                      I have on occaision found the odd trolley very useful at Pub Shut O'clock when going home
                      So not ony was it MOT-less and (possibly) overloaded, it was also being driven by a DRUNK DRIVER! The sooner we ban these things the better.

