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Trusted place in Cotswolds area for servicing?

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  • Trusted place in Cotswolds area for servicing?

    Ok, we got the Surf but I wanna get it serviced - the engine oil is as black as crude oil! - and have the car well checked out.

    Can anyone recommend somewhere to give the car a thorough once-over? I don't mind travelling a bit for good service but not TOO far.

    We're in Bourton-On-The-Water, Gloucestershire if that helps.


  • #2
    Originally posted by eccles291
    Ok, we got the Surf but I wanna get it serviced - the engine oil is as black as crude oil! - and have the car well checked out.

    Can anyone recommend somewhere to give the car a thorough once-over? I don't mind travelling a bit for good service but not TOO far.

    We're in Bourton-On-The-Water, Gloucestershire if that helps.

    The Master Tony is in Basingstoke !!!!!
    You'll find him Here
    www.4x4toys.co.uk 'You break it, we'll fix it'

    There's always a Payback.... You just can't see it Comin !!!!
    Last edited by Diezel Weazel; 6 May 2006, 23:50.
    Buncefield Burner


    • #3
      cant help with a garage, i bodge it myself... till it gets serious.. but i did see you bit of walling the other day! nice job that man. and lots more to do as well... (i'm also quite happy that the bit i did is still standing..
      it's in me shed, mate.


      • #4
        Originally posted by eccles291
        Ok, we got the Surf but I wanna get it serviced - the engine oil is as black as crude oil! - and have the car well checked out.

        Can anyone recommend somewhere to give the car a thorough once-over? I don't mind travelling a bit for good service but not TOO far.

        We're in Bourton-On-The-Water, Gloucestershire if that helps.

        Have a go yourself...plenty on servicing here on the forum.
        Theres no feeling on earth quite as satisfying as warm engine oil filling up your sleeve............


        • #5
          I'm only down the road... happy to help with the simple stuff...


          • #6
            Thanks everyone, helpful as always!

            Surferjess - thanks for the link, I reckon it might be worth travelling to Basingstoke to have Tony look over it properly. The fact he's a specialist gives me a lot of confidence.

            Chillit - shame we weren't working when you dropped by. Thanks for the comments tho.

            DaveD - I'm not averse to getting covered in oil at all - I do our bikes meself - I just want the peace of mind knowing it's been checked out properly as I'm not familiar with Surfs yet and want to be sure what we bought isn't totally buggered!

            AndyLala - thanks for the offer buddy, will bear it in mind when I'm doing stuff to it... cos I know I will be at some point.


            • #7
              You might try here:


              says they specialize in Jap imports and a bit closer to home?

