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drill mishaps

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  • drill mishaps

    while looking at an old link with the fat yank woman punching another fat yank noticed this....hope it works, first time i've tried a link thingy


    how many of you have had mishaps with a drill resulting in pain and hilarity?

    i watched a mate of mine drilling a frame in his house, he leant up against the fridge freezer and something shorted somewhere coz he was stuck to the metal fridge by the skin of his forearm.

    i was too busy laughing to realise how serious it was at first. but then the smell of burning flesh sort of hurried me into action....

    he got a $$$$$$ nasty scar on his arm and never has seen the funny side of it.
    i swear, it was like that when i got here...

  • #2
    Buddy of mine had hair Status Quo style till it got caught in a drill and ripped him a stripe


    • #3
      i was building some cupboards for a mate, and he insisted on helping despite not being that practical.. he had a drill with a spade bit in it, got it snagged in his jeans, which tore from the ankle to mid thigh, wrapping the fabric round the chuck as the drill edged ever closer to his nethers. the drill was jammed with fabric by now so it had stopped going round, but was still making that straining noise cos he was still holding the button down. he looked at be in utter panic (the look on his face still haunts me. so so helpless ) i watched all this happen bemused with it all.
      ' let go' i said.
      he did and we both started breathing again.
      i still cant see how he fed a pair of jeans to a drill
      it's in me shed, mate.


      • #4
        And the moral of these stories is.......





        • #5
          I was in a house in March (not the month) in Cambridgeshire. An electrician with 15 years experience was drilling holes for the new electric meter to go in and he drilled through the mains feed into the house, before the electricity board fuse. The drill bit turned to molten metal and sprayed white hot metal all over his overalls. Luckily he didn't get an electric shock but apparently he still has freckles all over his chest when he gets a sun tan.
          It's only a hobby!


          • #6
            putting kitchen units together at my mums. Was using cordless drill to do all the screws. I was holding a screw whith one hand and operating the drill with a phillips bit in it with the other. The drill slipped off the screw, with my weight pushing down on the bit it hit my left index finger with me still holding the trigger to full speed. I stopped the drill and looked at my finger then the bit, which had bits of flesh on it (was a badly worn and abused bit with lots of burrs on it). After a couple of minutes my finger went dead and I mean dead, trip to hospital required. Had an xray and the doctor revealed that I had managed to rip out some nerves, plenty of flesh and oh see that dent in the bone on the xray, well you drilled out some bone to.
            Luckily after a couple of days the feeling came back to my finger.

            Moral is, get some other bugger to hold the screws.
            Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

            My 4x4
            My choice
            Back off


            • #7
              i once was drilling a hole in a floor tile , all my weight bearing down on it , the bit snapped , the drilled veered left , and into my left hands middle finger and exited through its finger nail , it bled for a few hours took weeks to heal fully and when pressed my finger is still numb.

              i can say next to having a slipped disc , the pain was really bad.


              • #8
                I wonder if there's a direct relationship between the relative cheapness of power tools these days (e.g. you can buy an angle grinder for under a tenner) and the numbers of DIY accident hospital addmissions. Years ago power tools were quite expensive - my first Black & Decker drill cost me £60 I recall- todays Chinese equivalent is less than £10. My feeling is there are an awful lot of dangerous tools out there in the hands of inexperienced folk.

                The tool I've got that scares me most is my electric planner- that would expose bone for sure in under a second.

                My uncle had a pretty grim experince with a router. He was doing some detail on a rocking horse when the router jumped up and struck him in the face. The bit got halfway through his jaw bone before it stopped- ughhhh!


                • #9
                  Didn't happen to me so I could see the funny side Guy I worked with was on top of a machine drilling down into a biggish hole with an electric breast drill. The drill grabbed and Newtons laws took over so he rotated instead - straight off the side of the machine

                  My Pointer ate the dog trainer


                  • #10
                    Nearly sliced the leg open once...was working away with a small side grinder and ended up catching the jeans as it slipped of cutting the metal.....nice big gash in the jeans and lucky to receive a red mark where the disc had just s$$$$ed the leg.....

                    Other one was when I moved into the house I am in now, was adding in some electric points cause there wasnt enough and hadn't realised that the live wire had slipped out until my hand came in contact with it....the 'tester' screwdriver went across the room and I got a free tingle throughout the body....another close one..


                    • #11
                      Best one I heard was two guys cutting logs with a chainsaw, one standing in a gully holding the log above his head while his buddy with the saw cut down, needless to say the guy with the saw slipped and buried it into the numpties face. They tried to claim the chain manufacturer with a poor story of how the chain snapped but the truth came out in court.


                      • #12
                        i swear, it was like that when i got here...


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by AuldNick
                          Best one I heard was two guys cutting logs with a chainsaw, one standing in a gully holding the log above his head while his buddy with the saw cut down, needless to say the guy with the saw slipped and buried it into the numpties face. They tried to claim the chain manufacturer with a poor story of how the chain snapped but the truth came out in court.
                          My mate has the coolest looking scar ever - and it's because the dead mans handle on a chainsaw is a great concept until you overstretch and keep your hand on the handle but the chain swings back into your arm....

                          My worst ever craziness with a power tool was standing legs apart over two roof joists in my loft cutting up roof tiles on the loft hatch with the 'mother' of all angle-grinders... every now and again it would snag on a tile, fling the tile in the air and swing the grinder back between my legs. All this was with my mate shouting - "just cut the tiles and stop being a girl".
                          Real trucks don't have spark plugs


                          • #14
                            I have done the old snap the drill bit while drilling and veer of into a finger, hurts like hell. The funniest one was when i was on a building site and we were extending two existing lifts up another floor as they were adding another floor. We had an RSJ to mount the lift motors on and it was to big, couldn't bring burning equipment on to site so muggins got the job of cuttin through it with a 9" angle grinder. Was hapily grinding away when i thought ooh its a bit warm near the old nether regions, hadn't realised that the grinder sparks had managed to set fire to my oil stained overalls. Imagine the look on everybodys face when they saw me running round trying to put my crotch fire out.
                            Now I Have Grown Up, I Need A Grown Up Tonker Toy!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Toad
                              Was happily grinding away when i thought ooh its a bit warm near the old nether regions, hadn't realised that the grinder sparks had managed to set fire to my oil stained overalls. Imagine the look on everybodys face when they saw me running round trying to put my crotch fire out.
                              HA! Tea on monitor again. Been there, done that - cutting up an old cast iron water softener with a 9-inch grinder. Set fire to the legs of my overalls , colleague wetting himself laughing! Gave up after a couple of hours and hired a cutting torch instead...

                              I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!

