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Run away

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  • Run away

    You know when you have one of those days when you think things are going too well. Lazy day at work today so put the truck in the workshop to change the rear diff. Hour and a half later - job's a goodun - just got to drop it off the stands and fill up with oil. Drop it off the stands and had that instant flash of realisation that the handbrake was off and the box was in neutral.

    Oh - did I mention it was such a nice day I'd got the workshop door open

    ...... and were on a farm at the top of a slope .........

    Take it from me holding onto the towbar doesn't stop a Surf.

    Neither does scrambling half into the drivers door and trying to act as a ground anchor whilst scrabbling ineffectually for the handbrake.

    50yds later the old girl launched herself down a 10 ft drop into the edge of a field and just as the headland ploughing stopped her ..... I managed to get the handbrake on

    I have a twisted ankle, a couple of bent ribs and a small hole in my head - the Surf has a slightly bent number plate Guess which I was more worried about

    To add insult to injury I had to fill the diff with the Surf still in the field - well my mate did as I was having problems bending over by this time. At least some good came of it - driving out of the field proved that the rear locker works a treat (Oh and a dustbin won't stop a Surf either)
    Attached Files

    My Pointer ate the dog trainer

  • #2
    Wow!! To cool!

    Good one Roger.

    You could have video'd it!!

    Hope the sores get better.
    4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


    • #3
      why can i hear the Benny Hill theme tune??????????

      glad to hear you didn't do much damage to the surf...aint it funny how broken bones and missing fingers don't seem to bother us as much as the dread of a wounded surf leading to the wounded wallet!!!
      i swear, it was like that when i got here...


      • #4
        do it again, got to be worth £250 for the video
        Should have bought a 3ltr


        • #5
          oopsss - glad all ok!
          Landcruiser Colorado
          Sub. Forester


          • #6
            Originally posted by TonyN
            You could have video'd it!!

            Hope the sores get better.
            That was one of the first things I said to the spectators - "Where's the video camera?"

            The sores are still getting worse at the moment - finding new ones all the time

            My Pointer ate the dog trainer


            • #7
              Originally posted by logey79
              why can i hear the Benny Hill theme tune??????????

              glad to hear you didn't do much damage to the surf...aint it funny how broken bones and missing fingers don't seem to bother us as much as the dread of a wounded surf leading to the wounded wallet!!!
              had exactly the same thought when i was reading gamedawns account sorry mate hope all is well
              Only Toyota can get you out of shite


              • #8
                Blimey Roger, when you're not being pulled out by someone, the trucks pulling you!!


                • #9
                  you TWONK hey hope the aches and pains gone for Bures trip roger
                  Enjoying Life after Cancer


                  • #10
                    Cool. Kinda like falling orf a motorcycle, it comes first then you realise you got two bust ribs and a broke foot!


                    • #11
                      Bet that was fun to watch!


                      • #12
                        could of continued onwards to plugh the field! LOL

                        glad things are ok!


                        • #13
                          Glad you are OK Roger.

                          A runaway Surf is not funny. The furthest mine has run was 6Ft when I pressed the red button while hoovering. I only dented the neighbours garage door. I have since made amends by welding some extra locking points onto it.
                          It's only a hobby!


                          • #14
                            So much for Northamptonshire being Flat !!!!!!!
                            Hope yer heals quickly Bud, so you can go & play proper next time.....

                            Best O' Luck

                            There's always a Payback.... You just can't see it Comin !!!!
                            Buncefield Burner


                            • #15
                              Sorry to hear that you are a bit bashed up Roger,but hope you mend soon,and glad that the surf is all in one piece.
                              Just feel proud that you made my day and now I got to mop the floor cos the tear of mirth were runnig down my legs and left a pudle.
                              If the puddles to deep..LEARN TO SCUBA.

