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Most Boring Job You Have Ever Done

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  • Most Boring Job You Have Ever Done

    Ok I was BORED today doing a brain dead job for an employment agency, I know i shouldnt knock it, it was work, but it got me thinking whats the most boring job you have done?

    I had to drill five holes in each of these cast doors i didnt have to think just line the drill up and press it down till it stopped. The highlight of the day was when two doors got entangled together and i had to try an seperate them! as it got the old brain ticking!! that was it 10 hours of drilling and about 500 doors. thats 2500 drill holes at about 250 per hour, one door every miniute, at which you would drill 480,000 holes per year ......................you now see how my brain got so fuddled today!

    and guess what gang i am back there tomorrow ........... I must be MAD

    Ok Gang over to you lets see how this runs i am sure some one can better it and make this job look really interlectual!!

    DUNNO'S BACK ..........He never really went away!

  • #2
    part of my job involves taking nails out of 25kg boxes and wieghing them into 1 lb boxes. i do the same with lime putty.
    i once had to sort out 18 km of climbing rope (cut into 50 metre lengths) by colour, then pack it back into boxes.
    and i chipped all the pointing out of a school house, and then re pointed it.
    i had to put stickers on 22,000 catalogues to cover up the fact that our new shop was apparently in ' north riding'....
    i spent 3 months (part time)chipping cement of my kitchen floor to expose the flag stones underneath
    want any more?
    it's in me shed, mate.


    • #3
      So far I have spent 3 years 5 months exactly( mostly weekends and evenings trying to get all the lime pointing off my bungalow.)
      Its taken so long because after 10 mins i get bored.

      I also spent six months manually threading inch black iron gas pipe.Yes 8 hours a day ,every day.
      I ended up with huge shoulders and arms and the pay was excellent, but geez was i bored.

      Havent done any more since lmao
      I always work better wet .

      Its why I became a plumber!!!


      • #4
        my mum works for a car light manufacturing company (and has done for about 40 years) they make lights for the landies and range rovers as well as bmw's and other c.rap cars.

        when i left college and said there was no way i was going into the family business with my dad, 2 of my bro's and 1 of my sisters my mum gave me a job in her factory. my entire days work consisted of measuring and cutting (by hand with scissors) 300mm lengths of wire. same wire, same length all day everyday. i lasted 4 days until the blisters on my hands from the scissors hurt so much i could handle it no more and quit.

        been working with the old man on the cabs ever since.

        oh, and there was a machine that done my job at the factory all along, my mum played dirty so i'd quit and everybody had bets on how long i'd last before jacking in....and my dad won £300 and as always got the last laugh, the git....
        i swear, it was like that when i got here...


        • #5
          my top ten $$$$ jobs

          1. litter picking at perimeter fence of (windy) landfill site
          2. hand weeding potatoe crop
          3. plastics factory assy. line (lasted 1hr, then made impressive escape in my old toyota celica supra in cloud of black smoke and flying gravel)
          4. cleaning dairy production line machines (night shift)
          5, 6, and 7. faceless office jobs, task of which i cannot recall (made exit as in no. 3 - this time with visa gti )
          8. tesco shelf stacker
          9. carrot grader
          10. testing $$$$ at a compost factory (two weeks work experience from school)
          problems? i'll take 'em.


          • #6
            I spent six months putting rolls of 35mm into the little plastic tubs. Thousands per day......digital cameras have done some poor sod out of a job!


            • #7
              My most boring (luckily only summer) job was on a production line in a cosmetics packing factory...

              Most blokes probably don't know but little bottles of nail varnish usually have a couple of small ball bearings in the bottle to help mix it up when shaken - well my job was to put the two ball bearings into each empty bottle as it passed on the line!
              No longer a Surf owner.


              • #8
                Have you got any left, you could sell them on Ebay for five quid each!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                  Have you got any left, you could sell them on Ebay for five quid each!
                  No longer a Surf owner.


                  • #10
                    My most boring job was lifting 1M wide rolls of sticky backed aluminium foil (the stuff they use for sealing air conditioning/ventilation ducts) onto a lathe and slitting it into 25mm, 50mm or 75mm rolls. Occasionally, for a bit of variety, I got to make 1", 2" and 3" rolls for export to America. The most exciteing part of the job was sharpening the cutting blades to the right profile on a bench grinder. I got laid off after 5 months and almost danced a jig down the road.
                    It's only a hobby!


                    • #11
                      Once worked in a cement factory just cleaning up.They had a flood once in the basement of a conveyor.All the clinker(cement befores it milled down)mixed with the water and filled up the chutes that the conveyor ran in.
                      When we took the covers off after it had set,we were met with a wall of concrete 3ft tall and about 2ft wide and about 300ft long

                      Took 12 weeks to jack hammer it all out working 12 hour days and 6 day weeks,and it all had to be carried out in buckets!!!
                      Last edited by jackster; 3 May 2006, 12:29.
                      Stella Artois


                      • #12
                        Making timber pallets. Did all sorts from small skids to huge pallets that weighed a ton or more. Worst job was on a two man bench doing the same pallet over and over and over again. 450 a day firing a nail gun an average of 15,000 times a day.



                        • #13
                          Many years ago I joined the police and whilst a probationer had to do ' station security '. Walking around the nick car park all night, cos it may have been a terrorist target. Used to let the police dog's chase me just to relive the boredom. Sometimes I managed to get away!



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                            Have you got any left, you could sell them on Ebay for five quid each!

                            Now that was funny !


                            • #15
                              When I was at school I worked in a timber yard on Saturdays, during the school holidays I laboured in the timber mill (can you imagine what the H&S lot would say to that now!). My worst job was standing on the otherside of the resaw (like a giant bandsaw) pulling out the timber that had been cut and stacking it on a barrow. I used to try to devise ways of moving the timber with minimum efort leavering it against other pieces. After a week of it, 8 hrs a day what would I have given to have even been the bloke who put the timber into the saw! but then his bots were heavier than mine, but I had two bits for his one, if you see what I mean........

                              We once had a conversation about what was the worst job you had ever done. One of my mates had done a spell as a diger driver (machine operator to him as he went mad if you called him a driver), he had spent several weeks digging the sludge out of the bottom of a pond on a sewage farm, he said he could stil smell it at home after a bath and everything.
                              Parts of your engine go up, stop then go back! Mm!

