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Great to be home

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  • Great to be home

    What is it with this country !
    We've just got home after a 4 hour drive to find out that some lowlife scumbag, has had a go at robbing our house while we were away visiting this weekend.
    They've kicked in the gate's . broken into one of the sheds, thrown a fookin big paving slab through the back door and mullerd it. Luckily they were disturbed we think, as they got no further than the back door and nothing was taken this time.
    The police turned up quite quick which was good, but there's not much they can do , there are a couple of foot prints and maybe some finger prints which may help.
    Fed up with all the theiving , junkie , lowlife , scumbag , pikey ba$t@rds in this stinking cess pool of a town.
    Rant over , I'm off for a very large drink.


  • #2
    sorry to hear mate....

    same around here.....don,t seem to get better.....
    but............ you leave your car tax go over by 1 day.....parked on road, local bobby appears out of nowhere.......

    hope they (or you) catch em....

    gettin coooooler... and dark....


    • #3
      Apart from the dodgy tax disc if there aint DNA the local plod aint interested here, housebreaking dont count, that aint a crime, thats what your insurance is for in the eyes of the police.


      • #4
        Enjoying Life after Cancer


        • #5
          sorry to hear that andy.we have a pikey family that lives 3 doors down the road,the police are constantly out side their property,they are the original neighbours from hell.


          • #6
            Blimey, sorry to hear that buddy that's awful. Hope you get the damage repaired and the gits get caught.
            Real trucks don't have spark plugs


            • #7
              Originally posted by vatchman
              sorry to hear that andy.we have a pikey family that lives 3 doors down the road,the police are constantly out side their property,they are the original neighbours from hell.
              Would be so much more satisfying if it was the Fire Brigade outside their house and they were too late to do anything. Oh what a tragedy that would be!!!
              Mike G


              • #8
                Sorry to hear about your troubles Andy.

                We have two families of pikeys living 100 Yards across the road from us in adjacent houses (thank goodness there is a green between us). There are three flat bed Ford Transits (with the high sides) and a lorry with a hi-ab running backwards and forwards all day. In addition to the trucks they have three Shoguns and a SWB Landcruiser. They break the cars in the street and have bonfires at least three times a week. Their dogs, which live outside, bark all night. Their kids, who rarely go to school, tear around on mini-motos, old scooters and motorbikes. Their toddlers are forever in the road being tooted by car drivers, but the parents don't seem to give a monkeys. They have been evicted from various parts of the town and had to be re housed due to the huge tribe of dependent children they have. The thing is these scum, judging by their accents, are only here because the Irish authorities wouldn't put up with their ways.
                Now the local BBC has started broadcasting a show called Rocker Radio, especially for the travelling community in Herts, Beds and Bucks, so that us gaugos can have a better understanding or their culture. I want my license money back. :RANT OVER:
                It's only a hobby!


                • #9
                  Cheers folks,
                  Most things are fixed now, doors done , gate and shed are mended plus I installed a burglar alarm today too.
                  Flippin cost me a fortune ! Now we just need a dog.


