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KA Club

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  • KA Club

    Just joined the Ford KA club web site, Basicly to see if i could get any info on the pinout on this soddin KA clock i bought, What a load of $HITE, It Looks like you can only view and post on the general forum, You cant even view the tech sections unless you stump up 10 -15 quid, Thats the way it sounded to me, Got a warm welcome but buggar all info, It certainly made me apprecieate this site, Does ANYONE know anyone whos got a KA and could let me have the pinout, I've got it in bits and still cant trace the board even with a magnifier, Ian
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss

  • #2
    Originally posted by ian619
    I've got it in bits and still cant trace the board even with a magnifier, Ian
    Six pins, was it not? Just meter the pins. Time consuming,
    but doable. Find the earths, (should be common), and what
    you are then left with should be the supplies.



    • #3
      Sorted now Matt thanks, I was wrong about the KA club, I take it all back!
      Your only allowed to post on the introduction forum when you join and loo at general forum, Ya not allowed to look at any tech or info forums
      Too young to die and too old to give a toss


      • #4
        Originally posted by ian619
        Just joined the Ford KA club web site, Basicly to see if i could get any info on the pinout on this soddin KA clock i bought, What a load of $HITE, It Looks like you can only view and post on the general forum, You cant even view the tech sections unless you stump up 10 -15 quid, Thats the way it sounded to me, Got a warm welcome but buggar all info, It certainly made me apprecieate this site, Does ANYONE know anyone whos got a KA and could let me have the pinout, I've got it in bits and still cant trace the board even with a magnifier, Ian

        must b run by ford...they always seem to screw the customer

