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Change the traffic laws!!

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  • Change the traffic laws!!

    Taken from the sunday times driving supplement......


    What would you change??

  • #2
    I like the last suggestion on page 2
    It's only a hobby!


    • #3
      “Crack down on the fools who let drivers out at junctions; people caught letting cars out should be made to catch buses,” (Hugo Hocknell, Cambridgeshire).
      What a $$$$!

      Why does the whole lorry thing keep rearing it ugly head? The only reason lorry take ages to overtake is the stupid speed limit imposed on them!!

      Would these people rather see a continuous queue of lorrys blocking the inside lane?

      Incosiderate fools, the lot of them!
      4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


      • #4
        erm..........yea lets have lots more laws there arent enough at the moment.
        Doing lots of motorway miles AND living in caraphobic Oxford I could rant and rant but
        you can usually predict what HGV's are gonna do and they always acknowledge if you let them in/out
        queueing in town....surely if everybody lets one out its got to make things easier?


        • #5
          Another load of HGV bashing boll***s.

          These people want HGV's to be confined to the Nearside lane for only one reason, and that's so they can hog the middle lane even longer. What planet are these people on? What happens if there is an old truck doing 40mph (ex Army etc) and no other truck would be allowed to overtake? These people need to get their brain engaged before they open their mouths.

          Trucks are limited by computers to 56MPH (standard) or to any speed the company wants below that (52MPH in my companies case). The speed limit for an HGV on single carriageways is 40MPH, any more than that and we get £60 fine and 3 points.

          The job involves long hours, sh*t pay, abuse from every angle, more regulations than you can shake a stick at, spending half your life in a traffic jam and cr*p food and services.

          Do us all a favour, and give us a break!!!


          • #6
            Originally posted by M35A2
            The job involves long hours, sh*t pay, abuse from every angle, more regulations than you can shake a stick at, spending half your life in a traffic jam and cr*p food and services.

            Do us all a favour, and give us a break!!!

            Would that be a "Welcome break"?



            • #7
              I want the speed limiters on trucks put up to 60MPH as I've been one of those people stuck behind a lorry for 5 miles because both have hit their limiters, why didn't I use the outside lane, becasue I was towing.
              Other than that they are normally very considerate drivers, and they always have a good story to tell while their waiting to tip (most can't be printed here tho!!).
              Gone from 4x4 to 1x2

