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Stupid Wot Me!!!

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  • Stupid Wot Me!!!

    Ok how about this people. Our own confessions thread. I'm pretty sure we've all got a story to tell.
    I guess I have to start the ball rolling for being the nutter to come up with the idea.
    We'll just stick with car/garage/driving confessions. Don't want to scare everyone away.

    Just for the record, I'm expecting at least 3 blopers from each of you!!! Maybe more form some.

    Well there was the time I had a bottle rolling around in the drivers side footwell. Not a problem you say!! Have you ever tried putting the brakes on with a bottle jamed underneath. And then there's the stain in the driver seat to deal with. I only made this mistake once


    There iz the time that I shorted my watch out between a ford transit battery and bodywork. Lots of sparks, and the heat, WOW did that watch get hot. I had to rip it of my wrist breaking the strap. I still have the scar on my wrist twenty years later.

    Same watch different story

    The watch went in a corner for ages before I got round to buying a new strap. It woz great to have my old watch back on again (my dad got it for me you see, ahhh) So I've just been down me mates and thought I'd tinker wiv the dizzy on my granada, time for a test run up the road. Did I mention that I now remove the watch when I'm tinkering wiv cars. Yep, gettin smart at last. I put it on the inner wing channel. Now, I'm doing me (fast) test run up the road, brake hard for dodgy bend (tink tink tink noise) woz that the engine, nahhh, something on the road methinks. Back at me mates pleased that the car go's just as good now as it did half an hour before, and me mate asks me wots the ######G time.
    I went back up the road a lot slower this time, I found it. Right where I'd heard that noise. GUTTED
    I still have the watch, but now I keep all the bits in a little box.
    Ya gotta laugh or you'd cry
    xcuse mi spilling kan't phinda dictonnairy

  • #2
    Right then, here it comes..................
    Attached Files


    • #3
      I have a confession, but it's not realy mine it's my 83 year old Grandads.

      HE spent his life as an electrician (and aircraft engineer "durin the war"), so thought he'd lend a hand when the battery was flat on my mums car. He pulled his car up and opened both bonnets, and no matter how hard my mum tried to explain, he was convinced the positive on one battery should go the the negative of the other, and vice versa. Needless to say there was alot of flashing and banging, and the car did not start! What worries me know is he did most of the electrics in this house! Maybe thats why the door bell goes when i turn the kitchen light on.

      I'm sure i've got some of my own, just can't remember them this early in the morning.


      Just trying to raise my postcount!


      • #4
        I can't belive it. Only one confession and that woz someone's grandad. You guys can't fool me, I know I'm not the only person here with a silly story. Maybe yer all just so that ya don't want the rest of us to know about yer "Blonde" moments.
        Talking of blondes;
        Q. Why don't blondes get tea breaks ???
        A. It takes to long to retrain them afterwards
        xcuse mi spilling kan't phinda dictonnairy


        • #5
          I got one but i gotta go out so i'll have to do it tommrow night!!
          Too young to die and too old to give a toss

