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brake change

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  • #16
    "Audible warning" - Mine squeeled for about a month til i finally caved in and changed them.

    The front discs and pads aren't like doin any other car, as you have to take the hub off too. I'm an idiot and i managed it though!!

    It took 6 hours including tea breaks to do both sides. all in all i used about 4 spanners, a hammer and chisel (as there are 2 54mm nuts and i don't ahve a 54mm socket!), and various different lengths of scaffolding pole as persuading poles for those siezed nuts, oh and some wd40.

    All in all i think there's 23 nuts to undo on each side. most of which haven't been undone for a very long time. be patient, get some good instructions and you'll be fine. I'm glad i did it rather than pay the £150+vat that my "freindly" local garage offered for the job.

    I won't be rushing to do it again in a hurry though.

    Just trying to raise my postcount!


    • #17
      Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
      Ian me old mate!

      Yep, everythings fine here, we had no internet connection for a few weeks 'cos of a dispute with our ISP. We were being charged twice for some reason only known to them! All sorted now tho.
      How's the shuttle, er Surf mods going? I'll have to sift through some of you previous posts I guess.
      Glad to hear thats all it was, For one orrible moment i thought you might be residing under the patio Yeah the "shuttle" is comeing on, just about got the interior sorted and back in and then come up with the idea of fitting a full roof console so out it comes again!! I must be nuttier than chinchilla $hit,
      Too young to die and too old to give a toss

