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4x4 Auto driving tips.

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  • 4x4 Auto driving tips.

    First time takin the Surf off road tmrw. anyone got any tips??

    Never used an Auto off road before. Is it best to use 4H and put into 2 in gear selector (since i'll not be speeding along). 4L just for steep climb/descent??? Do i need to use the ECT for power so its there if i need it....etc.etc...etc.

    Tyre pressure??????? i'm running colway A/T 31/10.5 15's do i drop the pressure for better traction,ant recomendations to what????

    Do i pull out stuck landrovers or go round them???

    www.scottishmudclub.com for scottish events

  • #2
    I tend to leave it in 2WD most of the time, only going into 4H when it's needed. I do enguage 4L when driving deep ruts as I find it gives me better low speed control, but normally I just leave it in D and control the throttle with my foot ( does get entertaining when your bouncing about abit). As yet I have never lowered the tyre pressures, and am running Kumo at 31's.
    Others will probably have their own opinion of how to do it, I think it is probably dependant on the terrain, and how you feel comfortable.
    Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


    • #3
      Mostly I leave the Surf in 2WD, as previously said it's good enough for most situations. Engauge 4H when you need more traction and 4L when you need even more (muddy slopes mainly)!! Engage 4L for descending slopes or even 4L 1st for steep stuff.


      • #4
        as above plus when going down a steep bank/hill L4 and lock down and no brakes or you will end up somewhere you dont wont to be
        most importantly

        enjoy it
        Surf.gone but not forgottendisco now gone aswell

