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Has anyone else seen this!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • #16
    Hmmm, so if I get rid of my SURF and get a TRANSIT VAN (White diesel and rusty) and drive that around town, I'm not such a bad driver ??
    if I woz to get a MINI/AUSTIN METRO and wait on T-jucntions for cars coming up the road, THEN, when they are about 15 meters/yards away, Pull out and pretend I can't see anyone else on the road. That makes me less of a danger on the roads. Can't see how this works, Sorry!

    WOT ABOUT BIKES !!! how many times have you been behind a slow moving gridlock only to find that about ten cars infront iz a pushbike holding traffic up, but then that poor git can't breathe because of the engine fumes (poor sod) LOL.

    I personaly can't wait to fit a chevy 350ci in my surf and go fishing (might try that pond in Trafalger square. Then theres the shopping at tesco's, need a big motor for that.

    If we pay road tax for the cars that we own then wot iz the problem, THEIRS!!!
    xcuse mi spilling kan't phinda dictonnairy


    • #17
      Our Lord Hasselhoff drives a 4x4!! End of Argument!
      Anti 4x4 Proresters

