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Has anyone else seen this!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • Has anyone else seen this!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What a load of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I'm a custard donut monster

  • #2
    i have only one thing to say about that.
    it's in me shed, mate.


    • #3
      usuall load of ranting... some people understand the reasons for owning a 4x4 but i still think you should be allowed to drive what you like

      a couple of quotes...
      "well a nissain x-trail does more to the gallon than a rover 75.
      and a landrover freelander produces less emissions than nearly all jags on the road!
      is this a fair argument?
      not just that,..the smallest engine in most performance cars and sports cars is around 3 litres.
      most 4x4 are around 2.5ltr engine range.
      still a fair argument?
      a transit van....huge great things....and they have a minimum of a 2.5 ltr engine....so shall we all ban transit vans now?
      and not just that....
      there has not been ONE proven case in history where bullbars have killed someone
      go and check!
      get your facts right first!
      also...a honda crv, a toyota rav 4, and the landrover freelander are all smaller in size than the rover 75!
      so do we now ban the rover 75?
      hardly a fair argument is this?"

      "The traffic congestion around schools, regardless of type of car, is a problem. But it applies to all car drivers. The school run cars causing hazzards when I'm going to work are usually small cars that don't seem to have indicators.
      ALL vehicles are dangerous near groups of children."

      Well said that man.
      Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


      • #4
        I liked this one, short but to the point.....

        what are you bigots going to do when you run out of things to ban? won't the world be a grey place then? what happened to freedom of choice?
        oh,and please don't forget that the bandwagons you keep jumping on are usually towed by a 4wd


        • #5
          I gave up after half an hour of reading, but ditto to that Dirty Dog, i read that one aswell and quit agree.
          Now I Have Grown Up, I Need A Grown Up Tonker Toy!


          • #6
            Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
            I liked this one, short but to the point.....

            what are you bigots going to do when you run out of things to ban? won't the world be a grey place then? what happened to freedom of choice?
            oh,and please don't forget that the bandwagons you keep jumping on are usually towed by a 4wd
            theres a bumper sticker along the lines of that!
            Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


            • #7
              Hmmm, Teachers who cannot control children and belch out such a rubbish standard of education in our failing schools eh?, and they think they know enough to criticise the 4x4?. Laughable


              • #8
                Originally posted by dirtydog
                so do we now ban the rover 75?
                Well I'd be happy with that. Ban ALL Rovers because they <generalise> contain incompetent old boys in string backed gloves moving at the pace of a glacier </generalise>

                Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                • #9
                  I only read 50% of those postings. 90% of the 50% I read were anti 4x4 and the other 25% were for, with 3% neutral and 12% against.

                  My analysis above is about as accurate and informed as their rantings.

                  My only slight worry is that the anti 4x4/SUV propagandists seem to be recruiting a lot of disciples. A similar thread 12 months ago would have attracted about ten replies. The snowball has started rolling, so prepare to go the same way as fox hunters and anglers. Whoops! Did I say anglers. Yep, you are next but don't say it's impossible. That is what the hunters said. Ever time they debate angling on the radio or in the press more antis join the clamour and we all know how this government likes to cave in to loud minorities.
                  It's only a hobby!


                  • #10
                    when this chelsea tractor and 4x4 outside schools stuff started i decided not to get sucked in to this
                    so thanks jotto
                    here's my 5eggs worth

                    i still dont understand why is a 4x4 more dangerous than a smaller car or motorcycle come to that outside a school?? do drivers see a red mist come down when they approach a school
                    and if parked legally and not half on the verge out side a school,how does a 4x4 become Dangerous too:
                    Enjoying Life after Cancer


                    • #11
                      My reply to someone comment about 4x4's being unstable is about 2/3 way down....

                      4x4's are just so damn dangerous. Sometimes I can barely get to work because of all the overturned 4x4's on the roads!

                      Posted by laser_jock99 on April 12, 2006 01:30 PM.
                      Offensive? Unsuitable? Report this comment.

                      Errr..... come to think of it don't think I've ever seen a large 4x4 in a crash. I see a 4-5 accidents a month on the way to work. Normaly it's Mondeo man in some repmobile or Chavs in tatty old Novas. To see an overturned 4x4 you've got to go to an offroad day in my experience.

                      One thing these idiots refuse to acknowledge is that 99% of their arguments could equally apply to the people carriers they use for the same school run. Doh!


                      • #12
                        nothing to do with speed size of vehicle etc etc

                        Simple only cross the road where your supposed to and then you won't get $$$$ing knocked down stupid $$$$$$ $$$$ wit idiots.
                        Bring back the Green Cross Man and teach kids to cross the roads correctly, ban the use of walkmans while you are walking, ban the use of mobile phones whilst walking (if you cant use one when driving, you sure can't use one and cross the road safely).

                        I can see the headlines now, man crosses railway track and gets run over by train
                        If train where doing 1 mph man would have survived
                        If train wasn't so big man would have survived
                        If train didn't have bump stops on front man would have survived
                        All trains restricted to top speed of 5mph, maximium length one carriage, all bump stops to be ergonomically designed to be passenger friendly.

                        I don't think so, more like stupid idiot what was he doing crossing a railway track.

                        Councils go to great lengths in putting in aids to help people cross the roads, zebra crossings, pelican crossings, underpasses etc etc
                        Teach people to use them.

                        I hate these anti 4x4 threads
                        Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

                        My 4x4
                        My choice
                        Back off


                        • #13
                          Some great replies!

                          I have to agree that I have never seen a 4x4 involved in an accident, and I do a lot of motorway miles. As has been said, there's usually a 'Vectreo' rep-box or one of those 'above the law' BMWs involved somewhere.

                          Vehicles don't cause accidents, drivers do, and I like to think because 4x4s tend to demand a bit more forethought re. braking distances / cornering etc, the drivers are (or should be - there's always exceptions) a bit more switched on than Mr Asda Sales Rep blasting along at 95mph in his 3 year old, rarely serviced Vectra with his mobile phone glued to his head.
                          Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                          • #14
                            just posted my 2pence worth on there, but the facts matter not to the anti's. the anti brigade will continue until there isn't anything to be anti, other than being anti itself.

                            I applaud the majority of the Guardian readers, in particular those of you who have replied with your anti 4x4 rants. I'm sure that teachers are the best people in the world to judge whether 4x4's are a good or evil mode of transport. What with failing standards in schools, there must be something that they can lay perfect judgement upon. I for one am now convinced that 4x4's and their drivers are responsible for all atrocities of human nature. Ban them all, hang their owners, replace with environmentally sound vehicles like vw beetles, the back firing and smoke from these are harmless haven't you heard? Bunch of narrow-minded, ill-informed, blinkered, bigots. Check out these facts. Never (search, you shall not find) will you find factual evidence that an impact with a bull bar equipped vehicle causes any more personal harm than a vehicle without. The opposite is scientifically proven to be the case (search, you shall find). SVO's and bio-diesels (environmentally friendlier fuels than your volvo's use)as used by an increasing number of 4x4 owners, are now being taxed to the hilt by this government, which does not encourage their use, but many of us use them because they are friendlier to our INDUSTRIALLY destroyed environment.
                            I was just about to tell you people to go educate yourselves, for yourselves, but then realised where I was. I do apologise dear readers, but for a second there, I thought I was somewhere where FACTS mattered. How ridiculous of me. I shall leave you in peace, with your ignorance of the REAL issues of our world blissfully intact. But before I do, and if you bother to research for yourself before band-wagon boarding, you will find these FACTS for yourselves, 4x4's are safer for the passengers in these vehicles, they are no more hazardous to those around them than any other car, and are in FACT safer in general and greener (in the case of SVO and bio-fuel users) than 70% of standard saloon cars once they reach 5 years of age. That is a FACT.
                            (Sorry, are FACTS actually allowed here?)
                            Posted by logey79 on April 14, 2006 01:07 PM.
                            i swear, it was like that when i got here...


                            • #15
                              those narrow-minded anti 4x4 rants got my blood boiling!
                              esp when the antis probably drive supersized bloated bum car MPV's
                              Landcruiser Colorado
                              Sub. Forester

