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Cb Channell

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  • Cb Channell

    Does anyone know the Channel that people meet or get a 'rig check' on.???

    I've borrowed one off my mate for the weekend when i'm off roading and want to test if its workin.

    www.scottishmudclub.com for scottish events

  • #2
    Originally posted by smithsurf
    Does anyone know the Channel that people meet or get a 'rig check' on.???

    I've borrowed one off my mate for the weekend when i'm off roading and want to test if its workin.

    Hi, not many people on air nowadays so you may find it hard to get a copy.
    Any way main breaking channel is 14 and mobile breaking chanel is 19. keep off chanel 9 as its for emergencies only.


    • #3
      Could go and switch ours on, but you may be a little to far away!!!!

      4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


      • #4
        Originally posted by TonyN
        Could go and switch ours on, but you may be a little to far away!!!!

        use channel 19 m8 thats most used by truckers


        • #5
          yeah, 19... no-one really uses 14 anymore.

          might find you get a reply if you park near a motorway.

          people do listen, but not a lot of chat goes on... it'll pick up if there's an accident.
          nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


          • #6

            When i was ten years old we used to play with an old cb (this was about 13 years ago), and we always knew that channel 19 was the one where we could hear the most people talking. Our workman on the farm was the one into cb's and he managed to wire up an aeriel to the pig shed roof that was about the size of a football pitch,and made of tin sheets. We could pick people up from France, and that was from cheshire!

            ah, those were the days.

            How much do these cb's cost nowadays?

            Just trying to raise my postcount!


            • #7
              cb radio

              gosh this takes us back a bit still got ours but my pole is bit poorly out side. When the boys were growing up i use to live on there!! on the 19, hubby being a truck driver, his handle was 'mint runner' (you can guess what he use to deliver!! mine was magpie 2, gone bit quiet in this part of the world now shame really , met some really nice people through the cb


              • #8
                Farmers have the best locations for CB and Ham radio. There was a guy near Northampton in the early 80s that had a GP27 half wave (about 17' long) CB aerial on the top of a 60ft grain silo. He used to be able to talk to me near Luton on 0.4 Watt.
                It's only a hobby!


                • #9
                  i used to have the audioline 341 i think it was and a 18ft 5/8 silver rod mounted on top of 2 nice long scaffold poles so it was nice and high and people who lived close by me could never get to use their c.b's as i used to wipe them right out.The good ole day's ay


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by stormforce1067
                    i used to have the audioline 341 i think it was and a 18ft 5/8 silver rod mounted on top of 2 nice long scaffold poles so it was nice and high and people who lived close by me could never get to use their c.b's as i used to wipe them right out.The good ole day's ay
                    Yeah those were the Days, A 21ft 5/8 wave Hi-gain on a 20ft Scaffold pole on me chimney. Magpie was my Handle, channel 19 Monitor @ Base station 8/ M1 @Hemel.
                    Still gotme Rig & Antenna, I just gotta getme a Mobile twig now...
                    Buncefield Burner


                    • #11
                      cb channels

                      you are right those were the days get the right weather conditions we could talk plymouth to top of scotland,!! maybe we should get all our rigs back our my uniden uniace still in loft, use to be great when i had to get up in the middle of the night to feed the babies , kept all the night truckers awake!! great fun


                      • #12

                        Breker Breaker 1.............9 it is then,Roger that

                        Spoke to a guy haullin' wood this mornin. He said i was hittin him with 4 bars!!!!!
                        Hope he dont press charges
                        www.scottishmudclub.com for scottish events


                        • #13
                          i used to have a CB when I was a young teenager, before mobiles became common.

                          I remember buying a half-wave arial and sticking it to the roof of my parents house one day. my dad came home and went mental! to be fair it made the house location visible from the whole estate and probably wasn't the best idea I ever had.

                          archer was my old handle (used to compete in archery competitions...)

                          it's good fun but all too easy to be drowned out of your conversation by some oink with more power than you/closer to the listener. i seem to remember hopping channels lots to try and hide from those who just wanted to spoil the fun!
                          I got me a new Surf baby yeah!

