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Off-road in France part deux

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  • Off-road in France part deux

    Got back yesterday - just spent a week in the south of France with the family. Managed to get some off-roading in while down there - under the guise of "this road looks shorter, and it should be OK, it's marked on the AA road atlas..." This road, from Gleon to Villeseques-des-Corbieres, looks like this

    After getting down from this one, we then got lost in the garrigue near Feuilla - followed a road out of the village, then came to a fork, with one way saying entrance forbidden, and the other saying road closed. Hmmm. Back to the village, and turn up the hill, which went WAY up into the garrigue, and then stopped in the middle of nowhere. Got out to admire the view, and the wonderful smell of sage and wild rosemary that we had just driven over Reversed course, took a different route down the hill, and found ourselves coming out past the sign we had seen earlier saying "Access Interdit"
    Went up the hill behind where we were staying a couple of days later to see the Ermitage St Victor - bit boring actually, although the view from the top was spectacular. Laer discovered that some friends had been up there in a (hired) Corsa...
    Also went over the Pyrenees into Spain - again, spectacular scenery, and very cheap diesel

    2012 miles for the trip, averaging 24.8 mpg. Curiously enough, the run back up to Caen on Saturday, which was at a fairly steady 90-95 on the clock, returned 23.9mpg

    Forum seems to have been busy while I was away - just finished skimming the 14 pages of new posts!

    I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!

  • #2
    Pic looks like the local roads back in the motherland!
    Nihil illigitimi carborundum

