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Why`s Fuel Going Up Again

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  • Why`s Fuel Going Up Again

    Have i missed something?
    Drove past the garage this morning and derv`s gone up again

    That`s a price rise of 4p a litre in 4 weeks.

    Something else set on fire or blown away that i have`nt heard off???
    Stella Artois

  • #2
    The robbing git Blair needs more slush fund so he increased the revenue demand from the fuel companies!

    Shock horror, looks like we get humped again !!


    • #3
      Apparently the price of fuel is 'frozen' until september, so it must be individual garages putting their prices up.

      Did you know that our new diesel car does 65mpg?


      • #4
        My local garage (ESSO) has increased it's prices by 1p a week for the last three weeks. The woman in charge told me she hadn't a clue why, head office just keeps phoning her telling her the price increase. To give her her due she did state that she really wished they'd phone telling her to reduce the price as it was getting high, currently 93.9
        Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


        • #5
          Lately seen 96.9 in a local robbery..sorry garage


          • #6
            My local BP 97.9
            Should have bought a 3ltr


            • #7
              Originally posted by Esamed
              My local BP 97.9
              There all at it round here too. 2 rises this week & 2 rises 2 weeks ago that's 5p in 3 weeks.
              Used to do a weekly check on AA Fuelbusters site to find cheapest local garages about 4 yrs ago, don't know if it's sill going !!!

              WORST is Texaco 98.9p
              Don't use Shell/BP havent done fer Years.
              Tesco's is 94.9p

              There's always a Payback.... You just can't see it Comin !!!!
              Buncefield Burner


              • #8
                I filled up on monday here and it was 92.9p

                Wednesday sainsburys had no derv at all! (all stores within 30 miles)
                Thursday filled up and it was upto 94.9

                Friday same garage upto 98.9!

                Somethings on...................?


                • #9
                  Yeah they want more money.
                  The same number of lorries as usual are going out of Esso Fawley, so there is no shortage.
                  Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


                  • #10
                    Went to Costco the other day and got 60 litres for £27.45

                    46ppl... Plus tax, of course..........
                    It just does, OK?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                      Apparently the price of fuel is 'frozen' until september, so it must be individual garages putting their prices up.

                      Did you know that our new diesel car does 65mpg?
                      Hey Vince, Somebody's forgot ta tell the Garages the Fuel price is Frozen!!!!
                      I give a some Victor Meldrew mouthwash everytime I call in for Derv

                      There's always a Payback.... You just can't see it Comin !!!!
                      Buncefield Burner


                      • #12
                        E1.06 per litre in Perpignan, E0.98 just over the border into Spain

                        That's 73.7p and 68.1p respectively, for the conversionally challenged
                        Last edited by CaptainBeaky; 10 April 2006, 08:51.

                        I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


                        • #13
                          Sorry Guys, average €1.069 again about £.786 here in Ireland with Veg oil from Dunnes being about €.68 which is £.46.

                          We don't do too badly but the times tey are a changing as Bertie and his band of chums start to get greedy.
                          I am the friend of Hypno-Toad

