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CB Radio

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  • CB Radio

    Gonna show my age now, but back in the early 80's I had CB's in my vehicles, pre legal fm days, when the government made fm legal all the fun went.
    Now thinking about CB radio in my surf, can anyone assist in answering my questions :-

    1) is AM/FM/SSB still active and worth considering had Cobra 148GTL DX in the past would like another if bands are active

    2) is the legal FM CB used much these days, or is it very quite.

    3) Haven't seen a CB shop in years do they still exist, if so anyone know of one in suffolk or north essex


  • #2
    online shop with deals,mail order though

    www.scottishmudclub.com for scottish events


    • #3
      I had a cobra 148 gtldx. The SSB's from 24 - 30 Mhz Am are still very active. I used to talk to people in the states fairly often. There's still a lot of European activity also.

      The doo-gooders will jump on here spouting laws etc and AM being illegal but most of my friends that used to go on the CB's would be running President grants/ Jacksons, Cobra's, multimodes and even Yaesu Rigs. We all used to have around 100-200 Watts power output and never ever had any complaints or visits from the dti (just don't intefere with Tv's etc!)

      I'd say buy one from ebay, fire it up and see for yourself!!



      • #4
        I got an FM rig in the landy, very few peole use it where I live, mostly it seems for swearing practice it seems! Still it might come in handy one day!
        Parts of your engine go up, stop then go back! Mm!


        • #5
          Originally posted by zedster
          Gonna show my age now, but back in the early 80's I had CB's in my vehicles, pre legal fm days, when the government made fm legal all the fun went.
          Now thinking about CB radio in my surf, can anyone assist in answering my questions :-

          1) is AM/FM/SSB still active and worth considering had Cobra 148GTL DX in the past would like another if bands are active

          2) is the legal FM CB used much these days, or is it very quite.

          3) Haven't seen a CB shop in years do they still exist, if so anyone know of one in suffolk or north essex

          I had a AM followed by am legal FM.

          I have just sold my FM rig after switching it on and only hearing abuse and nothing else...

          Rigs are still for sale, just search for truck stop shops etc.

          Don't know if you still need a licence.

          I'll stick with amateur radio - G1YRE
          Life on the edge is short, but the view is great !


          • #6
            Many thanks one and all, think I will have a look on ebay for a bargain cobra gtl dx, ssb and give it a try again.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Paff
              I had a AM followed by am legal FM.

              I have just sold my FM rig after switching it on and only hearing abuse and nothing else...

              Rigs are still for sale, just search for truck stop shops etc.

              Don't know if you still need a licence.

              I'll stick with amateur radio - G1YRE
              Hi Guys, I got me old Colt 1600DX SSB out of the cobwebbed cupboard about a month ago & only last week week bin looking at a site, that's related to the Surf site somewhere but just can't put me hand on it at the Mo.
              I did read UK FM will not be Legal in 2010, just what i wanted to hear
              I'll go an ckeck it now !! unless someone beats me to it

              There's always a Payback You just can't see it Comin !!!!
              Buncefield Burner


              • #8
                So does that mean the end of CB radios? Or will we be switching back to AM?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                  So does that mean the end of CB radios? Or will we be switching back to AM?
                  Thought you might be here with the answer Vince!!! & NO & Yes
                  Sounds as though there will be a hole range of AM (of the top of me Head)
                  25 Mkz to 28 Mkz including up to 400 Russian CB channels in line with Europe.
                  See here www.4x4cb.com some where

                  There's always a Payback.... You just can't see it Comin !!!!
                  Last edited by Diezel Weazel; 6 April 2006, 22:27.
                  Buncefield Burner


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Surferjess
                    Thought you might be here with the answer Vince!!! & NO & Yes
                    Sounds as though there will be a hole range of AM (of the top of me Head)
                    25 Mkz to 28 Mkz including up to 400 Russian CB channels in line with Europe.
                    See here www.CB.com some where

                    There's always a Payback.... You just can't see it Comin !!!!

                    Err, that link. Career builder?????


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                      Err, that link. Career builder?????

                      Sorry Vince, Altered now, Lefthand title: Proposed changes to UK CB
                      Try it Now www.4x4cb.com

                      There's always a Payback.... You just can't see it Comin !!!!
                      Buncefield Burner


                      • #12
                        is there a din sized cb? just to make life easier in a a surf....
                        it's in me shed, mate.


                        • #13
                          I might sound a little pompous but if you operate AM or SSB you could end up with your gear being confiscated, a heavy fine and possibly prison. I must admit that I am no angel myself and I used to pirate on 27MHz AM/SSB back in the late 70s/early 80s.
                          Once upon a time the chances of getting caught were slim but the radio authorities have gone the way of parking/road offences and introduced fixed penalties, where your are guilty until proven innocent. Should you dare to opt for going to court your fine will be doubled and you will be saddled with all the costs.
                          The safest bet, if you go the cheap and cheerful route, is to get a CB. Pay the yearly license and turn the squelch right up to drown out the bucket mouths when you are laning.
                          If you want nice clear communication, without the danger of being drowned out by short (European) skip or the longer skip from the USA, go for PMR 446. It is license free. Lots of channels but costs from about £70.00 per handset. They are generally good quality and made by reputable manufacturers such as Motorola.
                          Have fun. G0RKF
                          It's only a hobby!


                          • #14
                            Hi guys,

                            I have a harrier, and am just putting it in my tonka, trying to decise what twig to stick on it, would love to stick a 27' bull whip on it, the kind on ford willes from front to rear bumper etc, but will probably go for a more sencible magmount or quick release due to futher muckers messing around with it.

                            My mate has a cb in his landy and they are great for driving in groups to somewhere, whack the sqelch upto 10 and no muppet can interupt.

                            My rig is a harrier with normal muppets (FM) and also has midband at the flick of a switch, I have had linears in the past when I had a desk mount but neighbours kept whinging about tv reception.

                            Anyhow back to the question, CB's still have muppets on them, but I generally use mine for local work only and can squelch them out.

                            Mid band has more normal people on it (apparently LOL)
                            If it works ok then you need to modify it.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by dickspanner
                              Hi guys,

                              I have a harrier, and am just putting it in my tonka, trying to decise what twig to stick on it, would love to stick a 27' bull whip on it, the kind on ford willes from front to rear bumper etc, but will probably go for a more sencible magmount or quick release due to futher muckers messing around with it.

                              My mate has a cb in his landy and they are great for driving in groups to somewhere, whack the sqelch upto 10 and no muppet can interupt.

                              My rig is a harrier with normal muppets (FM) and also has midband at the flick of a switch, I have had linears in the past when I had a desk mount but neighbours kept whinging about tv reception.

                              Anyhow back to the question, CB's still have muppets on them, but I generally use mine for local work only and can squelch them out.

                              Mid band has more normal people on it (apparently LOL)
                              I would put a quarter wave whip with a decent shock spring onto the spare wheel carrier with a heavy duty rail mount. About 108" or 2.7M long in new money. I have one made by Shakespear (Yes the fishing tackle people) that I use on the 10M Band.
                              It's only a hobby!

