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storm chasing?

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  • storm chasing?

    twister season in the midwest usa has begun and for a long time now i've been very interested in a storm chasing holiday.

    now am i completely alone here, or does this seem like the ultimate adventure holiday-or is it usually only the naturally mental/stupid that it appeals to (ie, the Japs and Yanks)?

    so, have any of you guys done this, or know anyone who has, and if so, with which outfit did you ride along with?
    i swear, it was like that when i got here...

  • #2
    If you want to chase storms, get yourself up north mate. You won't need to do much chasing!!!!!


    • #3
      Originally posted by Pete
      If you want to chase storms, get yourself up north mate. You won't need to do much chasing!!!!!
      I hear Birmingham is quite good for twisters!

      You might not even have to go to the States- more tornadoes are sighted each year in the UK. They're just not as powerfull.

      Look here:



      • #4
        why go all that way to chase to get wet???
        when you can just step outside here most days and get soaked
        Enjoying Life after Cancer


        • #5
          I'd love to do this but it is really expensive and of course no guarantee of seeing a twister

          Even so, the thunder storms are terrific.

          Theres a few on line, do a google
          I NEED TO OFFROAD!


          • #6
            Originally posted by logey79
            twister season in the midwest usa has begun and for a long time now i've been very interested in a storm chasing holiday.

            now am i completely alone here, or does this seem like the ultimate adventure holiday-or is it usually only the naturally mental/stupid that it appeals to (ie, the Japs and Yanks)?

            so, have any of you guys done this, or know anyone who has, and if so, with which outfit did you ride along with?

            i am definately with you on this me and the one who must be obeyed (as if) would think it would be a brilliiant holiday,but will have to wait till the kids have left home in the next 2 or 3 years or so and then go for it


            • #7

              But £2500!!!!!

              I NEED TO OFFROAD!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Danno

                No way man.

                Get yourself a day van on a flydrive for two weeks. Fly to Oklahoma. Then watch the tv and listen to the radio for weather forcasts. I'd rather do it myself, than be stuck in a van with other holidaymakers, and you haven't got the dreaded "safety first, have to look at it 50 miles away or you will sue us american attitude".

