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fastest head gasket in the west

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  • fastest head gasket in the west

    Morning all,
    I had hoped that my first post here would be a happier occasion but alas i think i may have had the fastest head gasket blow on record!

    Picked up my new surf last friday evening with much excitement and all seemed well. Then on saturday morning i drove up to surrey, after a brief stop i noticed rather a large amount of white smoke billowing from the exhaust so stopped again a couple of miles later to find it still smoking and one of the coolant hoses had burst.
    Called the RAC out and he fixed the burst hose but on refilling the coolant system it seemed to be pushing a bit of water back out the rad cap, but no white smoke - diagnosis - a likely blown head gasket

    Unfortunately my rac cover does not include recovery so i've had to get it towed to a local garage in leatherhead. Spoke to the dealer and he was less than apologetic but agreed to pay for half the cost of repairs at the leatherhead garage - as is the terms of the warranty. It remains to be seen whether he actually pays up or not.
    Odd thing is it didn't actually overheat, knowing the problems with 2.4 heads i watched the temp guage like a hawk and the temperature never got above the middle of the guage. When the rac chap was fixing the hose i noticed one of the sensors that plugs into the thermostat housing was knackered and had been repaired - badly. It's the front one of the two.

    So, now owned a surf for 4 days and have had about 90 miles of joy and three days of frustration - the garage is not going to be able to look at it til after the new year.
    I had loads of silly newbie questions as well!
    Congrats on an excellent forum

    any suggestions as to the cause etc of my problems greatly received.
    I asked to dealer to flush the cooling system before i picked it up and he said he did, and the coolant certainly looked green rather than brown when i looked at it but as to whether he did or not is anyones guess.


  • #2
    Hello Mark,bad news;I fear the worst.From My short experience with 2.4 surf ownership you will probably find the head has a few cracks by now.Pin down the dealer who sold you the car to get the head and rad press tested.Sounds like a bit of a mare I know but its worth getting it sorted you never Know it may be just the gasket.lots of info on this forum it help me when my surf went up in smoke.Try and have a good crimbo and new year


    • #3
      Hi Mark, sorry to hear about your surf. I don,t think it makes any difference if the cooling system has been flushed or not. I did mine myself and my head went after about 10 weeks the problem is the head itself cracks(bad design)apparently.so prewarn the garage doing the job that it will probably need a new head.I was very lucky mine was done under the warranty(it did take them 4 weeks to sort it though).

      Once its done you will have no more probs with it, the new heads are redesigned.

      think happy thoughts and when you get your surf back you will not have regretted buying it. There great cars on and off road,and this forum is full of nutters always willing to help with any questions silly or not.

      Have a good christmas And a happy new year
      I'm a custard donut monster


      • #4
        Originally posted by MarkDL
        Morning all,
        I had hoped that my first post here would be a happier occasion but alas i think i may have had the fastest head gasket blow on record!

        Picked up my new surf last friday evening with much excitement and all seemed well. Then on saturday morning i drove up to surrey, after a brief stop i noticed rather a large amount of white smoke billowing from the exhaust so stopped again a couple of miles later to find it still smoking and one of the coolant hoses had burst.
        Called the RAC out and he fixed the burst hose but on refilling the coolant system it seemed to be pushing a bit of water back out the rad cap, but no white smoke - diagnosis - a likely blown head gasket

        Unfortunately my rac cover does not include recovery so i've had to get it towed to a local garage in leatherhead. Spoke to the dealer and he was less than apologetic but agreed to pay for half the cost of repairs at the leatherhead garage - as is the terms of the warranty. It remains to be seen whether he actually pays up or not.
        Odd thing is it didn't actually overheat, knowing the problems with 2.4 heads i watched the temp guage like a hawk and the temperature never got above the middle of the guage. When the rac chap was fixing the hose i noticed one of the sensors that plugs into the thermostat housing was knackered and had been repaired - badly. It's the front one of the two.

        So, now owned a surf for 4 days and have had about 90 miles of joy and three days of frustration - the garage is not going to be able to look at it til after the new year.
        I had loads of silly newbie questions as well!
        Congrats on an excellent forum

        any suggestions as to the cause etc of my problems greatly received.
        I asked to dealer to flush the cooling system before i picked it up and he said he did, and the coolant certainly looked green rather than brown when i looked at it but as to whether he did or not is anyones guess.


        Sorry to hear about the head problems. Mine went too but took a year to do it. I would reckon that it is not the gasket but the head that has gone - get it pressure tested but to be honest the only true way to find out is to look at the head when it comes off. Most common place for cracks is between the valves. Hopefully the dealer will do his bit. A new Head is going to cost you somewhere around £1500 to £2000 fitted (about £750 if you do it yourself). Make sure that if you get it done that the head bolts are replaced and the Timing belt changed at the same time (saves doing it later).

        I hope it's just the gasket but I doubt it.



        • #5
          Thanks guys, looks like i'm in for a big bill then which hopefully will be picked up at least in half by the dealer.

          I'll let you know how it goes. Can't wait to get it back - i've never owned a car for so long with actually really driving it much!

