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M42 Automated Tracking System

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  • M42 Automated Tracking System

    I have received some intelligence from a reasonably dependable source that the new digital automated tracking system between Junctions 3 and 7b on the M42 are scheduled to go live on 1 April (not an early April Fool!)

    There are 276 digital cameras set to a 2mph tolerance. You will see no flash the first you will know will be when the £60 fine and 3 points land on your doormat!

    Just Vegging Out

  • #2
    Although there may be 276 cameras, according to this site, there are only 8 enforcement cameras operated by West Mids Police, the rest are just CCTV:

    So if that is true, and there is a camera for each lane and there are 4 lanes each way, then that means there is only one spot each way with enforcement cameras. Although I suppose they could have wizzy cameras that cover all four lanes in 4 places each way? They do cost £45,000 each!

    Also see:
    No longer a Surf owner.


    • #3
      deep Joy.....I use that stretch every couple of months on the way up to mrs daves dad in caernarfon...............


      • #4
        Some years ago they were bringing in the Cameras that look like 4 barrel gun that could see through all weather conditions.

        Came from a guy in the company who knew someone that worked for the company that tested, made the cameras. Not been down that way for > 5 years now and with moving companies havent' kept in touch so dont know whats going on these days regarding all the cameras.

