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smoking fine

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  • smoking fine

    not sure if this shouldn't be in the joke section.
    my pal just texted me to tell me that he has been fined for smoking in the cab of his truck while in edinburgh. not because it relates to dangerous driving or whatever, but for smoking in the workplace. he was also parked up at the time?!?! is this a prank or what, i don't think he's lying because he seems really p****d off.
    anyone else heard of this?
    i swear, it was like that when i got here...

  • #2
    Yep, they were taliking about this today on the radio. If you are north of the border and are caught smoking in a company vehicle you can get done for smoking in the workplace.
    Stick to tailgating, speeding and cutting up other road users. You can get away with that.
    It's only a hobby!


    • #3
      another great money spinner then. i'm sure we'll be seeing this one down here in a few weeks. farting will be the next thing you can't do in the workplace and thats the highlight of the day!
      i swear, it was like that when i got here...


      • #4
        Originally posted by logey79
        not sure if this shouldn't be in the joke section.
        my pal just texted me to tell me that he has been fined for smoking in the cab of his truck while in edinburgh. not because it relates to dangerous driving or whatever, but for smoking in the workplace. he was also parked up at the time?!?! is this a prank or what, i don't think he's lying because he seems really p****d off.
        anyone else heard of this?
        Sadly its true, the anti-smoking nazis have passed this law about smoking in public places. Nice soft touch for them , after all who dare complain? The press can hardly been seen to rail against it either as its allegedly a health issue. Its heading down your way soon.
        Next soft touch on the list will no doubt be " big vehicles" or 4x4s in any case.The only human rights you have are the ones the government of the day allow you. Im all for protecting non-smokers rights but this lot have decided that is best done by completely ignoring any rights smokers may think they have. Is it only me or was there a better way?
        Ive said it before, its only a matter of time before they pounce on something you like doing. It might just be your 4x4.
        What bugs me about the above fine is that they somehow think every truck driver from everywhere in the world should know about it. Is your mate an owner driver ? Dont see how they can rightly apply to them.

        Сви можемо


        • #5
          if his truck was registered in England then he would not be in a Scottish workplace and surely couldn't be fined?
          nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


          • #6
            Apparently some of the pubs round here are buying old buses to put in the carpark, so that when the stupid no smoking rule comes in people can go outside and have a fag in comfort.


            • #7
              Originally posted by andy
              Apparently some of the pubs round here are buying old buses to put in the carpark, so that when the stupid no smoking rule comes in people can go outside and have a fag in comfort.
              Well that wont work up here in sweaty sock land. The law does not allow smoking in an enclosed public space. Unless someone removes the roof and maybe even one side as well, the bus will be an enclosed public space. What shocks me is the fine this guy got, since the whole malarky started and the huge army of "enforcers" were employed, theyve been telling us that the first few weeks is not about fines but about reminding and educating. They almost fooled me with that one, but I forgot about the " JOBSWORTH" aspect and the desperate need to raise more money to pay for the extra layer of government which we jocks are so lucky to enjoy. Did you know that no-one in Scotland has a real job anymore, just about everybody is in the employ of the public sector, that is probably why Ive now lost count of the number of radio and TV ads they run, telling you what to do and what not to do and how to live your life the way they want you to live it, Dont drink, dont smoke, dont pollute, dont speed, eat lots of vegetables, dont feed your kids on junk, dont beat your wife/husband/kids. dont be racist and so on and on and on and on. All those things our feeble minds would never have thought of on our own. Here was me thinking it was OK to go out and get $$$$ed every night, then drive home after having given the kebab shop guy some abuse, all the time talking on the mobile and not wearing a seatbelt and doing speeds in excess of 50. On arriving home , feed the kids some kebab and chips, then maybe slap the wife round a bit. Thank god for the public service ads to keep me right

              Сви можемо


              • #8
                Originally posted by da SLUG man
                if his truck was registered in England then he would not be in a Scottish workplace and surely couldn't be fined?
                he's working up there for some haulage outfit so i guess its registered somewhere in edinburgh. i could understand if it was a recovery unit where members of the public may be his passengers, but this makes no sense at all. personally i'm a non-smoker and don't appreciate jumping in a smoke filled taxi etc, but he only has to consider himself, so i can't see how this can stand up legally, but then again, if they can invade countries illegally...you know the rest.
                i swear, it was like that when i got here...


                • #9
                  It never fails to pi$$ me off the way police are so enthusiastic to enforce
                  certain laws (the convienient money spinner ones) and not others ( the
                  confrontation, loads of paperwork ones) Try to find a copper round here when the yobs are playing up, forget it, Go 5 miles an hour over the speed limit and their all over you like stink on dodo, The government and councils
                  have then got the balls to say it's not about making money! Load of nuts
                  Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by da SLUG man
                    if his truck was registered in England then he would not be in a Scottish workplace and surely couldn't be fined?
                    An e-mail went around our work the other day because we have a plant in Scotland, once you are over the border and you are driving a truck or Van etc for Buisness, then you will get a fine, wether from UK or Europe. You can only smoke in a private vehicle.
                    I like Orientals


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Bobby Doc
                      An e-mail went around our work the other day because we have a plant in Scotland, once you are over the border and you are driving a truck or Van etc for Buisness, then you will get a fine, wether from UK or Europe. You can only smoke in a private vehicle.

                      Yup! i'm a train driver in carlisle and we've just had notices put up to say that as soon as we cross the border at gretna smoking in the cab becomes illeagle! gonna be interesting to see how thats enforced. cant see mr plod standing at the side of the track trying to stop a frieght train!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Greebo
                        Yup! i'm a train driver in carlisle and we've just had notices put up to say that as soon as we cross the border at gretna smoking in the cab becomes illeagle! gonna be interesting to see how thats enforced. cant see mr plod standing at the side of the track trying to stop a frieght train!
                        if they're as dense as the coppers i've dealt with, then chances are that one or two will try!!
                        i swear, it was like that when i got here...


                        • #13
                          but dont you see? when we all eat 5 portions of greenery a day, dont smoke, drink in moderation, drive carefully in an efficient car, recycle, turn lights off when we leave a room, buy food from farmers markets, when we know what mel d has got up to this week, and read volume 2 of the wayne rooney story, when we have taken the family to bluewater, when we live in a breeding pen house on a brand new housing estate where food used to grow, when we are fully intergrated and interchangable with our european partners, when we have absolute trust in our leaders, knowing they have our best interests in mind, when we happily pay tax based on the need to raise revenue rather than the ability to pay or any consideration of fairness, then, and only then....will they win
                          it's in me shed, mate.


                          • #14
                            Well said that man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                            Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                            • #15
                              FFS they will impose a right to live tax soon........... ID card, thats a nice name and it's them terrorists fault, free at first then CHING £££££££££££££

