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Daily Record Anti 4x4 article....

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  • Daily Record Anti 4x4 article....


    e-mail your complaints here please:


    I'm fumming that this daft b**t should be allowed to write this utter $$$$. The tone of her article is full of nonsense, prejudice and bigotry and seems intent on stirring social hatred.

    Please consider sending in a complaint to the Press Complaints Authority.

  • #2
    I quite agree, i have put my complaint in, i think paragraphs like this one:

    "They also look incredibly ugly and on the whole are driven by incredibly ugly people.

    I once suggested that in general the gents who bought them were making up for their deficiencies elsewhere - as in big car, small penis."

    Are extremely offensive if not slanderous and shouldn't be allowed.
    Now I Have Grown Up, I Need A Grown Up Tonker Toy!


    • #3
      by her own stereotyping standards i suppose its safe to say that we could well imaging this b***h driving around in something akin to a clapped out beetle, exhaust blowing, noise polluting, with brakes failing. she's probably got all this pent up aggression from the fact that as a teenager riddled with spots, obligatory train-tracks, greasy hair and drain pipe hand-me-downs, she is now bitterly p****d off that mummy and daddy's supportive ugly duckling verses have not bared fruition. burn the little witch.
      a toned down complaint will be made to the relevent people.
      it's nothing but jealousy that drives these people and as for her comments on safety-utter b******t. anyone can and will tell you that 4x4's offer far greater visibility to the driver, therefore increasing their own road safety awareness. we all know about the safety so no need to rant on. but, seriously, burn her!!!!!!
      i swear, it was like that when i got here...


      • #4
        That's just about the usual standard of journalism for the Daily Retard. How anybody can buy this paper is beyond me. If I wanted a comic I would buy the Beano!



        • #5
          My intention once I have calmed (so maybe after a nights sleep) is to write a responce (clean and unbigotted unlike hers) and email it to her on j.burnie@dailyrecord.co.uk
          If enougth of us do it maybe their server might hicup a bit, or at least get noticed.
          Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


          • #6
            If you read her other articles she sounds like Glenda Slagg from Private Eye. I think it is called satire, which is a quaint old 1960s thing that the BBC keep going rather better with, "Have I Got News For You," where they rehaearse the ad-libs until they sound truly spontanious. At least Paul Moreton has the decency to sound bored by take no five, making it sound like it is - rehearsed to death. A poor imitation by The Daily Retards Mrs Moreton.
            It's only a hobby!


            • #7
              [QUOTE=Toad]I quite agree, i have put my complaint in, i think paragraphs like this one:

              "They also look incredibly ugly and on the whole are driven by incredibly ugly people.


              Hang fire on the Press Complaints bit.....

              The Daily Record appears to be a Scottish version of The Sunday Sport!!!!

              Re-reading the article I'm not 100% sure if it's meant to be somewhat tonge-in-cheek?

              Either way I've e-mailed her my opinion.

              How dare SHE call US ugly....


              • #8
                there is a very strange school of newspaper journalism that thinks stuff like this is good for circulation. people will buy the paper 'just to see what that silly cow has written next' a bit like the richard littlejohn byline 'love him or hate him, you cant ignore him.'
                well. yae i can. i shall never buy the scottish daily record again.
                it's in me shed, mate.


                • #9
                  [QUOTE=laser_jock99][QUOTE=Toad]I quite agree, i have put my complaint in, i think paragraphs like this one:

                  "They also look incredibly ugly and on the whole are driven by incredibly ugly people.

                  Hang fire on the Press Complaints bit.....

                  The Daily Record appears to be a Scottish version of The Sunday Sport!!!!

                  Re-reading the article I'm not 100% sure if it's meant to be somewhat tonge-in-cheek?

                  Either way I've e-mailed her my opinion.

                  How dare SHE call US ugly....
                  Call her Ugly & see where or what it gets ya !!
                  In Court Probably.... it's cos she's a "Journalist"

                  There's always a Payback.... You just can't see it Comin !!!!
                  Buncefield Burner


                  • #10
                    [QUOTE=SurferjessCall her Ugly & see where or what it gets ya !!
                    In Court Probably.... it's cos she's a "Journalist" !![/QUOTE]

                    Ok, then how about this ?

                    To say she is attractive is to say that "Turkeys love Thanksgiving and Christmas"

                    We could always say that she is sacred, umpteen million Indians cannot be wrong !!!

                    Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                    • #11
                      Burnie the Bi***

                      I would not worry too much about what this bitter witch has to say as no semi-sensible person north of the border takes any notice of her rants anyway!
                      Most of her reports are deliberately written to anger and annoy readers, you should see what she says about men on a daily basis. What we do have to worry about is the growing trend of hatred towars 4x4 s from politicians and other serious reporters, normally their views are very shallow with biased foundations.


                      • #12
                        Haven't read the Daily Record for around 20 years and this silly woman wrote for them then!Maybe they should look up "evolve" and "progress" in the dictionary and put the silly old cow out to grass.
                        Powered by ????


                        • #13
                          She is Scottish, what else would you expect, bet she would be well up for it if there was a Westminster or EU subsidy on them ;-)
                          Parts of your engine go up, stop then go back! Mm!


                          • #14

                            If I'm "UGLY" Then she looks like a "Rug Muncher".....F------ cheek.

                            Perhaps she needs to get a life and do something constructive, like pick up Dogy fudge in the local park.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by TJG
                              She is Scottish, what else would you expect, bet she would be well up for it if there was a Westminster or EU subsidy on them ;-)
                              Aye right enuf TJ and all english are as honest as Tony Blagger Blair? Lets keep the thread on track and you can shove your racism up yer ars*.

                              Joan Burnie works / rites for a granny rag, the mad cow used to do the "agony aunt" $$$$ 'till the management realised she was a man hater BIG time so now she just writes to fit the political gutter IE Tony says and Joan follows with the journo skill of any 6 year old kinda like all journo's employed by our .gov run media but minus a spell cheker.

                              Ignore her and the Daily Record except on pension day when it comes with a free copy of Knitting Times and TJ says he got his free sample Tenna Lady anaw but it stuck in his teeth

