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Roof bar

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  • Roof bar

    Does anyone know where i can get 50mmx20mm aluminium box section?
    Slightly smaller would be ok say 40 or 45 x 15 or 20 something like that!
    about 1.1or2 long, Its for a roof bar i'm making, Ta Ian
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss

  • #2
    This may sound strange, but try B&Q, especially the bigger stores. They stock lengths of tubing, plastic,steel and aluminium.


    • #3
      Already tried em Vince! they do it in steel but not alloy, they did have 3/4
      sq box but only in brushed alloy, cheers anyway, Ian
      Too young to die and too old to give a toss


      • #4
        I've got part of one side an old aluminium ladder going spare. Obviously it's got holes where the rungs were it's 65mm X 20mm X 1400 long.
        I used it to make cross bars to fit on my roof rails.
        If you want it, I'll buff it up and post it. One good turn deserves another and all that.


        • #5
          Thanks for the offer mate but its a bit too wide at 65mm, iI think it will dwarf
          the little 3 1/2 lights, Thanks all the same though, Got the head lining out today by the way! Give it a good wash as it was filthy, Did'nt notice untill i took off some bits and saw the nice clean bit underneath, Also bit the bulitt
          and drilled the roof for the bar uprights, Loads of masking tape and bubble
          wrap and i still $hit myself, Got to pick my daughter up from work tonight so
          i'm hoping it dosn't rain,
          Too young to die and too old to give a toss


          • #6
            Ian, I will see what I can find for you. Might not be till the end of the week
            I'm a custard donut monster


            • #7
              Ok mate, Theres no rush, I've plenty to do, If i come by some in the meantime
              i'll let you know (on here) to save you (all) any trouble, Thanks Ian
              Too young to die and too old to give a toss


              • #8
                I would go on www.yell.com and type fabricators in your area, you will see sub headings of lots of stuff but there should be alliminium fabricators, you could always try one of those guys if you have no luck

                If it works ok then you need to modify it.


                • #9
                  Take a trip down to a local s$$$$ yard we have one here is southampton that is very helpfull. might not have it today but just keep popping in and it will turn up. Also used to get some bits from a firm over school lane ind. pk. near eastliegh can't remember their name been a while since I used them last (used to like cash sales !). hope this helps


                  • #10

                    This is a great shop. look on store finder and go 'europe'


                    • #11
                      Ok guys i'm sorted, Tried a search on Yell.com and got 5 in my area but none
                      could help, Thanks anyway Dickspanner (sounds like an insult), Thanks for the offer JoTTo saved you a search mate, Vince! I went back to B&Q on the
                      offchance and settled on two 20mm sq sections, They must of had a delivery cos they did'nt have plain alloy the other day, These will do, I've bolted the
                      brackets more inboard than i intended to miss the double/tripple skin on the inside of the roof, So this made it under a metre of bar i needed, Just over a tenner for the two,
                      How are you getting on with those bic marker lights? It got me thinking,been looking at ways of doing something similar, Ordered a few 10mm amber leds &
                      holders, And thinking of ways of fixing em to the curve of the roof, Toilet cistern handle kits come with a beveled chrome plastic adaptor to fit the
                      curve of the cistern, Maybe another trip to B&Qs and open a few bags!!!!
                      Attached Files
                      Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                      • #12
                        Ian, where did you get the 10mm LEDs from? I e-mail the guy at Phenoptix about them 'cos they weren't listed, but no reply yet!


                        • #13
                          From herehttp://stores.ebay.co.uk/Goodwill-Leds-Sales_W0QQcolZ4QQdirZ1QQfsubZ0 QQftidZ2QQpZ2QQtZkm
                          Seems a decent guy, Emailed back to me real quick and reduced the postage
                          as i was ordering several bits, Ian
                          Sorry that was susposed to be a link, I'll never get the hang of it, If you need the address let me know meanwhile i'll try to find his email add,
                          Last edited by POPEYE; 22 March 2006, 21:19.
                          Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                          • #14
                            Cool! cheers matey.

                            by the way, those brackets you've fitted in that pic, are they for one of these???



                            • #15
                              Would'nt fit in with one of those on top, Naw made em out of alloy plate, about 4mm i think,
                              Last edited by POPEYE; 22 March 2006, 21:27.
                              Too young to die and too old to give a toss

