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I Got Speeding Fine!

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  • #16
    Read through this and partickerly Koi's post.....3rd one down ish..


    • #17
      All you need to do next time, burn down the van....

      I think the bloke must of noted your back number plate.
      I went past a camera van at 130mph on my R1 - no number plate on the front of bikes. didn't hear anything from them,

      By Law they should give you a copy of the pic if you intent to contest the fine.

      Got done in my car a few months ago - said my mate was driving,
      He lives in Ireland - cant give him points, just a 60 quid fine which i paid..

      Save's the license you may wish to try that...
      Drink Till she's cute, but stop before the wedding


      • #18
        A couple of links that might help.




        • #19
          Originally posted by spoofer28
          My mot mate told me that the camaras in the latest van also have a bar code reader ??
          your bar code is on your tax disc?
          its the same as the traffic cars have if your car is reported stolen it runs a continuos scan and reads the bar codes it is a serius piece of kit it can read cars going the oppisit way on the moterway???????????
          it's an optical character recognition that reads your number plate.
          same as in the petrol stations.

          that's why they like you to have properly spaced and correct lettering on the plates.
          nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


          • #20
            If that can read the bar codes on teh tax disc whilst I am flying past....

            They why don' they use them in the bl##dy shops...

            SHEEEIIIILLLLLAAAa, how much is this catering pack of KY?

            Last edited by AndyLala; 21 March 2006, 21:43.


            • #21
              Originally posted by AndyLala
              how much is this catering pack of KY?
              um.... catering pack??? what you cooking???

              nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


              • #22
                Originally posted by da SLUG man
                um.... catering pack??? what you cooking???

                with KY see you cook loads
                Enjoying Life after Cancer


                • #23
                  Hands up! dont waste yer time 'cos they will win.....NEXT, go to the nice police station ( not in your home town ) report your number plate stolen and get a pink slip from foresaid nice policeman and NEVER get done by a camera again thanks to "reasonable doubt". OK too fekin late this time but now you know DONT DO IT AGAIN!


                  • #24
                    GET OUT OF MOBILE SPEED TRAPS

                    If you are caught on a Radar gun, be sure to ask to have a look at the radar gun and check that the gun displays the speed that you were stopped for.

                    If it does not, of course, they have no case. Admittedly, this is a long shot but we have heard of cases where the reading has not actually registered on the gun, so I would be amiss not to mention it :-)

                    Next, get the make, model and serial number of the radar gun. Ask the officer to demonstrate that the radar gun is calibrated (he will probably not do this).

                    If he refused to demonstrate, then it is reasonable to assume it is not calibrated. This is extremely powerful evidence. Any court will not regard self-diagnostics as accurate. Radar guns are calibrated with a pair of tuning forks, and ONLY this external test may be considered accurate.

                    If the officer refuses to demonstrate the calibration, ask him to prove that he has tuning forks in the car. He will probably not be too happy at this point, but do not let this deter you! He can't object, your requests are absolutely legitimate. If he doesn't, tell the judge (if it goes to court) because this suggests that that the gun is not calibrated. In this instance you will most likely be 'let off'.

                    If you were caught on a LIDAR (laser) gun, ask to have a look at the gun and check that it displays the speed that you were stopped for. Again, get the make, model and serial number of the laser unit and log these details.

                    Note the positioning of the unit in relation to the sun or any other bright red or white light. LIDAR uses infrared light and does not work as well when aimed into infrared light sources like the sun or high beam headlights. Ask when the unit was last calibrated. Ask to see a demonstration of the calibration. LIDAR guns are not tuned by forks (it is not public knowledge how they are calibrated).

                    Again, you should note the officer's responses to these requests for reference if it goes to court.

                    There are products on the market that are designed to automatically open your garage door using laser technology. A side effect of such devices is that they deflect laser signals from Police guns. They are known as 'Laser Jammers' or 'Laser Scramblers' and although we do not stock them, we can certainly get them for you.

                    It is NOT illegal to install such a device on your car, so long as you are using it for the purpose of opening your garage door automatically. If you would like to buy one for this purpose, just drop us an email or call and we can order you one in from our trade suppliers for delivery within 2 business days.
                    Enjoying Life after Cancer


                    • #25
                      So you were caught doing 46 in a 30 zone. Stop all this nonsense about getting out of it and pay up, you know your going to in the end. Dont waste your time on it. Hands up, pay up, slow down.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by The Pope
                        So you were caught doing 46 in a 30 zone. Stop all this nonsense about getting out of it and pay up, you know your going to in the end. Dont waste your time on it. Hands up, pay up, slow down.
                        I intend only to pay up if there is NO possible way of proving I've been caught fair and square.

                        Ok so yes I admit I was speeding, but I am sick and tired of all these bright yellow pain in the @rses placing themselves on stretches of road that have little or no record of serious accidents, just to line the coffers of the local authority. These are designed for SAFETY purposes not just to collect money from motorists.

                        This particular stretch of road is a nearly straight, dual carriageway, NOT an accident black spot. AND there is a fixed gatso camera no more than 100 yds past where this git was parked. He is only there to make money and no other reason.

                        We as motorists, especially driving big engined autos, are taxed to the max on our fuel and road fund license, and the government wants to tax 4x4 owners even more! For what reason? ( Not wanting to start a debate on that, check elsewhere in the forum for that one ). So now we get penalised even more due to some muppet placing cameras on perfectly safe stretches of road.

                        I will "waste my time" on it as I feel its a very valid point. The more, us the public, stand up to this beaurocratic nonsense then the more chance of something actually being done about it.

                        Rant over

                        I NEED TO OFFROAD!


                        • #27
                          46 in a 30 is nothing.... approx 50% over the limit, just a mere 16mph...

                          try doing 155 in a 70.. thats more than 100% over, a very healthy 85 over the limit. try and wriggle out of that if you get caught!
                          so far ive never been caught, but if i was there would be court, driving ban and prison sentence involved.

                          in a 30,40 or 50 i stick to the limit, but on a national or motorway i release the giggle machine. If i ever got caught for speeding in my surf i would demand a copy of the picture to prove to my friends the surf is capable of going that fast! ( please note I have never taken my surf above 85 because it feels like its going to blow up, so the demons are unleashed on motorbikes)

                          speed limits are ok to a point, but when the road is empty, theres no risk of drunken or dozy pedestrians walking about, go slow scooters or cars pulling out on you, then I say treat the road like you own it and go for it.

                          being able to stick to the speed limit is a skill in itself, a find a dog toy stuck under the accelerator slows me down a bit. ( also stops me stopping quickly too but thats another story)
                          she's no angel


                          • #28

                            That works for me !

                            The bottom line on speeding (as opposed to revenue collection !) is simple ..... a camera has NO discretion, you're either speeding or not.

                            Real life is rather different .... I live in a residential area with a 30mph speed limit - anybody driving there at 30mph, at any time of day, is positively dangerous and desreves locking up ! Just 200 yards away is a main road out of town that has a 30mph limit - at school time that's 10mph too fast - on the other hand between 20:00 and 07:30 in the morning 40mph will be quite safe, dependent on the weather of course !

                            The big issue with speed is that it's got to be appropriate for the conditions including traffic, weather, vehicle and the ability of the driver.

                            When alls said and done the above changes nothing - Danno good luck in your battle with idiocy !

                            Life is too important to take seriously !


                            • #29
                              My Surf has a ton on the speedo, but when I was late for work one morning I took the needle up to where the odo reset stalk is, and she still had a bit left. She definitely shifts. But I take it easy 99% of the time and don't do more than 70. Otherwise the fuel needle moves faster than the truck!!


                              • #30
                                You could try get out off it this way but its a risk

                                Wait till they take you to court if they do not provide you with eveidence against you within 7 days of the trial the eveidence then cannot be used in court and the case aganist you gets thrown out.

                                That how a lot of these footballers get off
                                They can go fast, I can go anywhere.

