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Importing & Exporting

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  • Importing & Exporting

    I was talking to a mate from South Africa at the pub (yes, us antipodeans tend to stick together) and he mentioned something about importing and exporting vehicles that got me thinking.

    He said that if you import a car into South Africa, and you removed the bumpers and wheels and sent them on a separate shipment, you could avoid paying import duty by claiming the car was to be used for spares. You then stick the wheels and bumpers back on when they arrive. Job done!

    This sounds very interesting, because I'm thinking of taking my Surf to Australia when I move back there at the end of the year. I figure with the less than reasonable values Surfs are getting at the moment over here, it might cost me less to chuck mine in the container along with the furniture. If I can avoid the import duty as well, Bargain!

    Anyone here got experience Importing / Exporting cars?
    Just Vegging Out

  • #2
    used to be able to remove the engine to import from USA... but i think that's been closed up... best to ask on the AU forum, they'll have a better idea of their import rules....
    as for exporting, you just bang it in a box and the postman collects it!
    (along with relavent paperwork if outside EU)
    nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


    • #3
      Originally posted by da SLUG man
      best to ask on the AU forum, they'll have a better idea of their import rules....

      I have asked, but I think they're all sleeping

      If we all jump up and down at the same time, maybe we could wake them up!
      Just Vegging Out


      • #4
        Yep, just checked and they're all still in bed. In Melbourne anyway.....



        • #5
          Originally posted by Nugget
          I was talking to a mate from South Africa at the pub (yes, us antipodeans tend to stick together) and he mentioned something about importing and exporting vehicles that got me thinking.

          He said that if you import a car into South Africa, and you removed the bumpers and wheels and sent them on a separate shipment, you could avoid paying import duty by claiming the car was to be used for spares. You then stick the wheels and bumpers back on when they arrive. Job done!

          This sounds very interesting, because I'm thinking of taking my Surf to Australia when I move back there at the end of the year. I figure with the less than reasonable values Surfs are getting at the moment over here, it might cost me less to chuck mine in the container along with the furniture. If I can avoid the import duty as well, Bargain!

          Anyone here got experience Importing / Exporting cars?
          Slightly wrong. It becomes a kit car and does not attract duty as it is going to be assembled there. I know this as a friend of mine in Durban did this.

