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iron fly roof bars

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  • iron fly roof bars

    anybody fitted these roof bars from 4x4 accessories & tyres.

    i know lucky had a set, his were the stainless ones, i'm interested to see what the black ones look like.( trying to dechrome the beast a bit)

    also, lucky had a full length thule rack on top of his bars, can anybody shed any light on where you get these from.

    thanks again cheers scotty

  • #2

    The full length roof rack is actually two thule standard roof racks joined with some special brackets you can buy for that purpose.


    • #3
      Get some of these as they come in satin black powdercoat.
      Attached Files


      • #4
        cheers lucky, wondered about that rack as i couldnt find any that length.

        so bushwacker, spit it out. what are those off of ? or where can i get some?

        cheers guys


        • #5
          I got them from a smashed Peugeot 306 estate for £20! Escort estates have them aswell. You'll need to drill six holes in your roof to fit them though, but once fitted they are strong enough to pull yourself up on and all you need then is some standard crossbars. I made my own from an old aluminium ladder.


          • #6
            cheers mate,

            when you say drill six holes in the roof, i take it that you did not need to remove the lining on the inside.

            thanks again

            chers scotty


            • #7
              Yep, the roof lining needs to come down but it's not that difficult as it's all one piece and is quite rigid so it's easy to handle. Took me about 2 1/2 hours start to finish to fit the bars.


              • #8
                cheers mate


                • #9
                  Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                  I got them from a smashed Peugeot 306 estate for £20! Escort estates have them aswell. You'll need to drill six holes in your roof to fit them though, but once fitted they are strong enough to pull yourself up on and all you need then is some standard crossbars. I made my own from an old aluminium ladder.
                  where did you drill the holes (approx measurements please)
                  did you need to add any kind of strengthening to the roof
                  and I take it that you had to remove the roof lining any tips and advice on how best to do it would be great


                  • #10
                    I used big aluminium washers on the inside and spring washers on top of them. I just lay the bars on the roof until I got them where I wanted them, marked the positions of the bolt holes with a marker pen, double checked and tripple checked. Don't try to fit them too close to the edge of the roof 'cos there is a welded join in the roof where the roof meets the side panel.
                    Measure up from the rear side window rubber about two inches to be safe.
                    Also one other thing to watch out for is if you have a sunroof. If the roof lining is removed, you will see where you can and can not drill.

