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new pipe.. can anyone offer me some slippers?

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  • new pipe.. can anyone offer me some slippers?

    My new back end arrived today from milners... now im thinking how hard can it be to attach a bit of pipe...
    but, offering it up, looks ok, however what do i do with the gasket thing i got with the new pipe AND, how do I attach the tail bit to the far rear bracket... theres no hanging pin on the new pipe, the bracket attached to the car is one of those rubber type jobbies... im a bit confused.
    I also got a metal bracket looking item as well, like a circular band to go round the pipe with two lugs with holes in them... looks like it should be for the back part but that doesnt match my bit already on the car... DO i need to weld a peg onto something? am I missing something?

    also, on a slightly different subject, does anyone know how to get the smell of fox pish off your hands? so far ive tried anitbacterial cat litter tray cleaner.. fresh limes.. normal soap... heavy duty hand cleaner... nothing is shifting it.
    she's no angel

  • #2
    Originally posted by Toyney
    also, on a slightly different subject, does anyone know how to get the smell of fox pish off your hands? so far ive tried anitbacterial cat litter tray cleaner.. fresh limes.. normal soap... heavy duty hand cleaner... nothing is shifting it.
    Try Mr Muscle spray kitchen cleaner - that should shift it. DAMHIK.

    Failing that, a dilute solution of a peroxide bleach will destroy the smelly compounds.

    Won't do your skin many favours, tho' Wash your hands in a bucket of the solution, then rinse your hands thoroughly and use hand cream, 'cos the bleach will take all the grease out of the skin.

    I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


    • #3
      just had a dive underneath and had a look back to mid its just the normal exhaust flange joint.......farthest to rear is hanging peg from pipe into one of those rubber 8 jobbies......
      took pics but wouldnt let me upload em.......


      • #4
        Originally posted by DaveD
        just had a dive underneath and had a look back to mid its just the normal exhaust flange joint.......farthest to rear is hanging peg from pipe into one of those rubber 8 jobbies......
        yes, spot on, and my new pipe doesnt have a hanging peg farthest to the rear... do i need to get one welded on so i can hook it into the existing rubber wotsit?

        bleach.. will give my hands a dip later
        she's no angel


        • #5
          Havent changed exhaust yet...tho no doubt that'll be next........
          maybe grind the peg off and use the circular band with 2 holes somehow??
          Try giving milners a ring before you get hacking......


          • #6
            Originally posted by Toyney
            yes, spot on, and my new pipe doesnt have a hanging peg farthest to the rear... do i need to get one welded on so i can hook it into the existing rubber wotsit?

            bleach.. will give my hands a dip later
            DON'T USE NEAT BLEACH!!

            Dilute it about 5:1 with water.

            I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


            • #7
              Originally posted by CaptainBeaky
              DON'T USE NEAT BLEACH!!

              Dilute it about 5:1 with water.
              yeah im gonna make a solution up, ive accidentally got neat bleach on me before and it burns!

              the prob with my exhaust quandry is compounded by the fact I had some wizard sleeve type end pipe retro fitted.. think it came from japan with it. so theres an additional end section thats stainless and posh looking that i no longer require but dont want to hack... but its got the hanging hook on it...

              anyone want my surplus Phat pipe? its gonna go on flea bay soon. will put a pic on here once its cleaned up.
              she's no angel

