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Roughtrax or Milner's

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  • Roughtrax or Milner's

    I'm changing my rear springs in a couple of weeks, and am unsure which springs to go for. The Roughtrax seem pretty good and lots of people on here seem to have got them. Are the Milner springs much different? There is a lot of difference in the price, but does that mean there is a lot of difference in the product?

    I don't want to go for the cheaper option only to have them go soft again. Alternatively, I don't want to pay more for what is essentially the same spring.

    Any thoughts guys and gals?
    Just Vegging Out

  • #2
    I think you will find the difference is that the Roughtrax ones give a 1"-2" lift whereas the Milners ones are standard height but are 20% stronger, so won't sag anywhere near as quickly as the OEM ones.

    If you are using the Surf to tow, then go for the Milners ones as the lifted ones could be bad for towing stability as they would probably give the towed vehicle a "nose up" angle.
    Mike G


    • #3
      Originally posted by Tallyman
      I think you will find the difference is that the Roughtrax ones give a 1"-2" lift whereas the Milners ones are standard height but are 20% stronger, so won't sag anywhere near as quickly as the OEM ones.

      If you are using the Surf to tow, then go for the Milners ones as the lifted ones could be bad for towing stability as they would probably give the towed vehicle a "nose up" angle.
      Won't be towing anything, just want to raise the ar*e end up a bit because it's getting saggy bum syndrome. Thought if I've got to change the springs, I might as well go the whole hog and do a suspension lift at the same time.

      Just Vegging Out

