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spot lights

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  • spot lights

    been trying to wire some spots to the beams all day got no where any any idea's

  • #2
    Originally posted by spoofer28
    been trying to wire some spots to the beams all day got no where any any idea's
    you need to tell us more dude, what ya been doing, wiring, relays, switches etc. then i'm sure someone on here can sort it for you.......


    • #3
      Originally posted by spoofer28
      been trying to wire some spots to the beams all day got no where any any idea's
      Hi Mate, Check out the thread "spot lights again" on electricle, We went into
      the subject quite a bit when i was doin mine, Ian
      Too young to die and too old to give a toss


      • #4
        Originally posted by spoofer28
        been trying to wire some spots to the beams all day got no where any any idea's



        • #5
          the control wire for the drivers side main beam is red and green..... if that helps
          Who needs speed, People will always wait for me !


          • #6
            Yep, and it is also very very thin!


            • #7
              Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
              Yep, and it is also very very thin!
              its also very very well hidden
              Who needs speed, People will always wait for me !


              • #8

                Quite fancy a pair of lamps on the front myself.

                Anybody recommend a good manufacturer

                should they come on with full beam or be switched separately


                • #9
                  Originally posted by slowdown.harrison@gmail.c
                  Quite fancy a pair of lamps on the front myself.

                  Anybody recommend a good manufacturer



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by slowdown.harrison@gmail.c
                    Quite fancy a pair of lamps on the front myself.

                    Anybody recommend a good manufacturer

                    should they come on with full beam or be switched separately
                    Roughtrax do some good lamps for £50..... no relay though.
                    I could be wrong but its my understanding that they should only be capable of coming on with main beam or fog lights..... a switch is optional.
                    Who needs speed, People will always wait for me !


                    • #11
                      Yep, that is the normal way of wiring them. Unless you would want them for work lights on the rear, then they would be seperately wired, and only use when vehicle is stationary.


                      • #12

                        Got them done at last used the green and red on the passenger side and run it through a relay £2 now they work smashing.
                        They were only £15 off ebay and when they came they also had built in side lights so I was well chuffed

