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    hello all

    i've come to this site hoping you guys can help....i'm looking to buy a hilux / surf but have little or no knowledge about these cars, so i thought i'd ask you guys for your opinions. i've heard good things about these things but would like to hear from people who have a working knowledge and could advise me on any reliability issue's and what to look out for when buying.
    i only have about 3k to spend so it's not gonna be the latest and greatest but i'm hoping to get a reasonably decent car

    thanks for your time and i hope to become a member of the family

  • #2
    Hi Mungo welcome to the world of the 'Grin'
    There is some info about our trucks here....http://www.showmesome.info/hilux/info/history.htm

    and some FAQs to ask and to look for when purchasing........

    Also some Surfs for sale here........
    Last edited by BUSHWHACKER; 15 February 2006, 22:13.


    • #3

      Hi Mate,

      If you buy a surf from any of the regulars here it'll be a good 'un!

      Can I ask you a question?



      Why are you after a Surf when you say that you got "little" or "no" knowledge about them?

      Were you like me and had one drive by him one day and stood with mouth open drooling and muttering something like "I will have me one of them, whatever it is"!

      I am always intrigued as to why someone "firstly" decides to buy one as they aren't really "in yer face" all the time, so to say!

      Meaning that, unless you see one or know someone who has one then they don't really spring to mind!

      I always chuckle when people come onto the forum asking where they can get one and what to look for etc., reminds me of me!

      Perhaps that would make a good thread, WHY I BOUGHT A SURF!




      • #4
        Originally posted by hellmett
        Hi Mate,

        If you buy a surf from any of the regulars here it'll be a good 'un!

        Can I ask you a question?



        Why are you after a Surf when you say that you got "little" or "no" knowledge about them?

        Were you like me and had one drive by him one day and stood with mouth open drooling and muttering something like "I will have me one of them, whatever it is"!

        I am always intrigued as to why someone "firstly" decides to buy one as they aren't really "in yer face" all the time, so to say!

        Meaning that, unless you see one or know someone who has one then they don't really spring to mind!

        I always chuckle when people come onto the forum asking where they can get one and what to look for etc., reminds me of me!

        Perhaps that would make a good thread, WHY I BOUGHT A SURF!



        i've owned range rovers/ land rovers before and know what to look out for, but i've never owned the toyota and thought that i'd ask for a little info on things like reocurring/ typical faults, is there a weak engine to avoid etc..also i don't have kids or animals to contend with so i'm also wondering if the better option would be the hilux pick up.

        but yes you're right i've seen them about and wanted one just like you


        • #5
          Originally posted by Mungo
          i've owned range rovers/ land rovers before and know what to look out for, but i've never owned the toyota and thought that i'd ask for a little info on things like reocurring/ typical faults, is there a weak engine to avoid etc..also i don't have kids or animals to contend with so i'm also wondering if the better option would be the hilux pick up.

          but yes you're right i've seen them about and wanted one just like you
          Welcome & you certainly will be when you're a surfer !!! & you wont need a Workshop manual either ....... & we know a man that can !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          There's always a Payback.... You just can't see it comin !!!!
          Buncefield Burner

