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Surf is in intensive care.

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  • Surf is in intensive care.

    Hi all.
    Surf is not a well boy..
    Head went today, so it's time to empty the wallet!

    Only thing now is to get it transported up to Tony for its surgery, and having mislaid my number for the breakdown and recovery service I have with Lifesure (who are not open until monday) I may have to resort to someone else to transport the Surf there.
    Anybody know of a reasonably priced firm in the south east that can do the task.

    Any help appreciated.


    May of overused the smilies...sorry

    I lives in brighton by the way!

  • #2
    I think TONY has a trailer.


    • #3
      Have already discussed with Tony...He a busy boy you know!

      Thanks anyway.


      • #4
        this is a number on their website dont know if it is the 1 you want
        o870 3661245


        • #5
          Doh !

          Website..internet.. what a good idea.

          Bit thick me.
          Will give em a bell in morn and see if I am covered for a trip to Hants.



          • #6
            Originally posted by red harry
            Doh !

            Website..internet.. what a good idea.

            Bit thick me.
            Will give em a bell in morn and see if I am covered for a trip to Hants.


            Interested in this! your head went, that is clear. What I want to know is did it jusy "go" or was there a reason? Was the engine overheating before hand? was the rad blocked? any info much appreciated as I just spent 700 quid on mine (not head) and am wondering if i ought to chop her in for a 3 litre. Much is written about heads going but very little about the cause of the demise.


            I used to have a surf me!


            • #7
              Interested in this! your head went, that is clear. What I want to know is did it jusy "go" or was there a reason? Was the engine overheating before hand? was the rad blocked? any info much appreciated as I just spent 700 quid on mine (not head) and am wondering if i ought to chop her in for a 3 litre. Much is written about heads going but very little about the cause of the demise.

              Not much of an expert.

              Hasn't really been running hot lately, only a bit sluggish ( more than usual) when going up a steep hill.
              Don't use it as a performance car ie; keep to speed limit
              Don't off road (Yet).
              Don't tow..no tow bar (yet)
              Oil/Air filter change recently.( Not relevant..I think)
              Hadn't checked coolant for a few days.
              Chucked a bit of black smoke now and then..couldn't afford that guys ball bearing on the internet

              Maybe it was just my time!!

              But If I had the knowledge before I bought the 2.4, I probably would of gone for the 3.0..But I wouldn't be without my boy!
              Guess I didn't research as well as I should of.


