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When is the driver's seatbelt a catapult?

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  • #46
    this thread is having a relative affect on my post count
    Hold my beer and watch this


    • #47
      Originally posted by MudSurfer
      Go and look at some poo........this is all making my head hurt!
      done looking at poo today,its absolutely pi55ing down ,so there is quite a lot of poo,in fact to much,in fact it is overflowing,so im not bl00dy well going near it!!!!

      (it stinks)
      Non intercooled nothing.


      • #48
        Nice and sunny here!


        • #49
          Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
          Nice and sunny here!

          the young lad who does the site maintainence.came in today and left a rather vital penstock opened,and the effluent combined with rain water ,combined with treated primary sludge,has gone all over the road in front of the holding tanks.thanks to him i am goin gto be here till about midnight!!!
          Non intercooled nothing.


          • #50
            Originally posted by gwh200

            to the person on the train the balls velocity is relative to to the observer.to someone on a train platform,the ball is travelling fast
            but isnt that how its percieved? when people are moving on the train and then someone throws that ball, its speed is the trains speed + the balls speed

            its like, us, being on the edge of the earth, were moving at the speed the earth rotates, so if someone punches me in the face, it will hurt a lot more if they punch in the same direction the earth rotates (hehe joke)

            that whole theory on black holes annoys me as well.

            and also, that leads me on to something else, if the stationary clock, was stationary, then it wouldnt actually been stationary, because of the earths rotation.
            Oh Nana, what's my name?


            • #51
              Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
              Yep. Stormforce is still in the lead.
              can you let me know when someone gets close just so i can get a few more than Vince


              • #52
                Originally posted by dieselboy
                but isnt that how its percieved? when people are moving on the train and then someone throws that ball, its speed is the trains speed + the balls speed

                no the trains speed is, if you like not noticed by the trasin passengers.
                the only velocity the train passenger will notice is the staionery vista from the window,which in essence appears to be moving.relative to the observer

                its like, us, being on the edge of the earth, were moving at the speed the earth rotates, so if someone punches me in the face, it will hurt a lot more if they punch in the same direction the earth rotates (hehe joke)

                do like the theory though,may try it on the little g3t here who has flooded the place with crude sewage!!!

                that whole theory on black holes annoys me as well

                well ........the theory on black holes is like the thing them selves.....holey!!!

                a new concept is gravastars where the physics does not break down but holds true for the whole concept(look up new scientist and search gravastars)

                and also, that leads me on to something else, if the stationary clock, was stationary, then it wouldnt actually been stationary, because of the earths rotation.

                just remember that the rotational velocity of the earth applys to the stationery clock as well as the moving clock,again their velocities are relative to each other.

                if you disregard time as we know it(its just a man made notion based on old circadian cycles) and visualise it as inextricably linked to space,you can add in the fourth dimension which lends the theory of space time ,relativity and gravity being linked some credence.space does not seem to be eternal but bound in such a way that if we could travel to its outer reaches,all we would do relative to the distance and time that we travel,find ourselves back where we started.,.as we travelled away from the earth,at greater light speed
                time passing for us would be relative to the distance travelled.on board a ship ,at light speed ,a round trip to the nearest star would take about ten years but for an observer the time taken would be much longer,as the
                velocity of the ship happroached and then hit light speed,time would slow,
                for the astronauts but relative to the observer would seem to pass more slowly.again you have to,initially disregard time as we know it and consider it in another plane,and then relativity will bring joy and happiness into your life(all it bought me was a 2:1 from sussex uni and a peptic ulcer)

                my brain really hurts now

                Non intercooled nothing.


                • #53
                  i never made it to uni unfortunately... all that boose and women..
                  Oh Nana, what's my name?


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by dieselboy
                    i never made it to uni unfortunately... all that boose and women..
                    mate,if i had known quite how bl00dy hard it was going to be, i would never have done it!!

                    in fact,one of the courses dealt with special relativity and it blew my mind!!!

                    still have no real idea about it now

                    my forte was maths and it was the only reason i managed to graduate!!
                    Non intercooled nothing.


                    • #55
                      Anyway does that mean his seat belt catapulted him back in time as well as into the back seat?
                      Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                      • #56
                        and all this from a newbie welcome thread that hadn't been posted on for 665 days, until http://www.hiluxsurf.co.uk/forums/sh...54&postcount=6
                        =SOLD UP!=


                        • #57
                          so it was dieselboy who ripped the space time fabric

                          Non intercooled nothing.


                          • #58
                            yeah but who was the 665 days relative to??
                            =SOLD UP!=


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by gwh200
                              right its like this,

                              your notion of time,is just as artificial as woodzies christmas tree.the real fabric of space is bound up in what is known as space time.if you imagine space as a big rubber mat,and you say plonked a big heavy ball in the middle,you would be disrupting the plane(albeit in two dimensions but stay with me here),then say you rolled a marble towards the big ball, it would gravitate towards the big ball,this being a simplistic (ish) proof of how gravity is related to mass(and no one is quite sure how).now imagine a supernovae exploding and instead of turning into a neutron star( a star where the matter is so tightly packed it has forced the nucleus of the molecules from the molecule and become EXTREMELY dense ie a table spoon of matter can weigh 20 million million million tons or more ) and turns into a black hole.this has the effect of slowing time(as we percieve it )the closer you get to light speed and as you approach the event horizon.this is the basis of reletivity.if you carry this on to the natural conclusion with the lorentz transformations you initially used to work out the light speed velocity,then the laws of physics break down and all bets are off.some eminent physicists believe that the notion of space and time are bound up in the world of the very small(quantum physics) where particles can exist in two energy states(places) at once,and they wink in and out of existence in trillionths of a trillionth of a trillionth of a second.
                              we will probably never know what will make an anomalous rip in the space time fabric as we cannot exceed light speed.theoretically we coulfd introduce a warp shell in front of the object we were trying to accelerate towards c but we probably wouldnt be able to see the light from stellar objects surrounding us.

                              in essence the space time continum is right up there with the flux capacitor,
                              completely rock and roll,but also completely false

                              omg i cant believe i just typed that (again)

                              ps i have just remembered,neutron star mass has a simile

                              imagine westminster cathedral,and imagine a fly buzzing around inside

                              now imagine that fly's mass is many billions of tons more than the cathedral!!!

                              and also!!!!

                              a few years ago 2 atomic clocks were set to run simultaneously.
                              one was left on the ground and one was flown at 500 mph across the atlantic.the clock that had achieved 500mph was running slightly (billionths of a second) faster than the stationery clock,proving a fundamental part of relativity

                              Yeah, I underrstood all that (but then all us illegals down in Dorset would as we learn it at our mother's (or someone else's mother's) knee.

                              What I've never been able to work out is:

                              Is it better to swat that fly or use spray?

                              Ken (in this universe - not sure about who I am in the others)
                              [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][B][I][SIZE=3]When the going gets tough - Get out !!![/SIZE][/I][/B][/FONT]


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by The Kid
                                Yeah, I underrstood all that (but then all us illegals down in Dorset would as we learn it at our mother's (or someone else's mother's) knee.

                                What I've never been able to work out is:

                                Is it better to swat that fly or use spray?

                                Ken (in this universe - not sure about who I am in the others)
                                its better to tw@t that fly with the spray
                                Oh Nana, what's my name?

