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got me some bars... roof bars

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  • got me some bars... roof bars

    Thanks HILUX bob,

    got back from my lunch break letting the dog out ( thats not prison slang, i really was letting my dog out) and im greeted by a rather hefty pair of them there roof bars propped up on my desk.
    I havent actually managed to break through the packaging yet, its fastened together pretty damn well.
    now my next task is to work out how to carry them 1/4 mile home on my pushbike without taking out passing cars windows...

    I will have a go at fitting them tonight, do I drink beer before, during or after fitting them to feel like a real "man" with a new toy?
    she's no angel

  • #2
    Originally posted by Toyney
    Thanks HILUX bob,

    got back from my lunch break letting the dog out ( thats not prison slang, i really was letting my dog out) and im greeted by a rather hefty pair of them there roof bars propped up on my desk.
    I havent actually managed to break through the packaging yet, its fastened together pretty damn well.
    now my next task is to work out how to carry them 1/4 mile home on my pushbike without taking out passing cars windows...

    I will have a go at fitting them tonight, do I drink beer before, during or after fitting them to feel like a real "man" with a new toy?

    I usually find a beer before hand helps you think... A Beer During helps numb the pain of sliced/banged/pinched fingers and a beer after helps you appreciate the work you have put in!

    Good luck with the journey home!!
    Paranoid? They're out to GET YOU!


    • #3
      Line up beers in fridge is the first step, followed by unpacking roofbars, then lay bars down on ground next to truck. Rub chin for a few minutes. pick up one of the bars a proceed to attatch to truck roof, followed by second bar.
      Stand back and admire. throw packaging into wheely bin and go and have a nice chilled beer or two.

      p.s. 1/4 mile? Walk home!


      • #4
        Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
        p.s. 1/4 mile? Walk home!

        madness that is, I dont have 4 pushbikes, a surf and a motorbike to then consider walking anywhere!
        besides, its fun discovering just how much you can carry on a bike!
        Ive carried a human sized valet stand, a bagged carbon disk wheel on a windy day... harder than it sounds... a whole set of one piece motorbike leathers piggyback with helmet and boots... an full exhaust system for an R6.... etc

        Im on my fixed single speed 1960's Jeff Bird bike today so it should be a doddle and a piece of pish.
        ahermm... yes, with the aid of gaffer tape im sure everything will be fine.
        she's no angel


        • #5
          I got it! gaffer tape the roof bars to yer legs, on the outsides of your shins, kinda like stilts but going up instead of down, then you can still ride the bike.


          • #6
            I used to cycle 3 miles each way to a band practice with a tuba on my back...

            I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


            • #7
              Stuff thats happened to me on my bike

              I've been straight through a frame tent at about 20mph on a Marin Pine Mountain. The tent blew over a wall into the road, I went straight through, creating my own exit via a 6ft long rip in the canvas and landed on my palms, the bike refused to oblige and got stuck inside the tent.

              I've been take out when riding the same bike by an errant Fiesta plastic wheel trim which became detached from a passing car and ended up under my front wheel removing my ability to steer and insisting on a meeting with the concrete kerb, and then the neighbouring grass verge.

              I've been whacked on the shoulder by a passing transit van door mirror whilst riding a Proflex 950, and the same bike was my partner in crime when a car and caravan pulled out in front of me. I glanced off the side of the caravan and ended up skinning my palms again.

              The off road departures from the bike are too many to list. I'm amazed I've made it this far!

              Anyone else got any stories of bike / human inadvertant separation?
              Cutting steps in the roof of the world


              • #8
                Originally posted by Toyney

                madness that is, I dont have 4 pushbikes, a surf and a motorbike to then consider walking anywhere!
                besides, its fun discovering just how much you can carry on a bike!
                Ive carried a human sized valet stand, a bagged carbon disk wheel on a windy day... harder than it sounds... a whole set of one piece motorbike leathers piggyback with helmet and boots... an full exhaust system for an R6.... etc

                Im on my fixed single speed 1960's Jeff Bird bike today so it should be a doddle and a piece of pish.
                ahermm... yes, with the aid of gaffer tape im sure everything will be fine.

                I've managed 4 bags of shopping on each handlebar of a racer with hardly any brakes ( you should have seen the groove in my soles afterwards ) with a 25kg bag or coal balancing on top for 5 miles up and down steeeep hills ( this was Scotland ) in the middle of winter. I did have to walk it through the snowdrifts at the top!!!
                This is one of the reasons why I don't drink and drive anymore.

