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Breakdown Recovery Who!!!

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  • Breakdown Recovery Who!!!

    no its ok i not brokedown or the surf
    but just thought what breakdown service do you guys use
    wot level of service you got
    and just as important how many pennies does it cost

    so is it RAC AA GREENFLAG or another you use
    Enjoying Life after Cancer

  • #2
    I'm with the RAC at the moment, but have just realised that as I have a Barclays 'Additions' current account, I get free greenflag cover, so I'll be cancelling the RAC when it comes up for renewal in April..

    Think RAC all in cover is about 150 quid?
    It just does, OK?


    • #3
      Your insurance company might have a deal for you - before I took up Direct Line's breakdown cover I used Green Flag and it certainly paid for itself.
      Shop around and read the small print! and if you find a great deal let us know!!!!!


      • #4
        Originally posted by pops
        no its ok i not brokedown or the surf
        but just thought what breakdown service do you guys use
        wot level of service you got
        and just as important how many pennies does it cost

        so is it RAC AA GREENFLAG or another you use
        Well Pops,
        Bin previously classed as a Civil Servant (Postman) CSMA operate Britania Rescue cover who co-operate with Green Flag.
        Iv'e had no Probs over the last 14yrs & waited no longer than 20 mins.
        If you got family as Civil Servant it will be easy & worthwhile.
        Hope this of some help.
        Id'e be pleased to hear how you get on

        Check out here www.csma.uk.com
        Buncefield Burner


        • #5
          I have been with Green Flag ever since I have had the Surf and caravan. Not had to use them yet...............touch wood.

          The only problem with having their caravanners policy is that it is vehicle specific, although they will recover you whether the caravan is attached to the car or not. I suppose, as I just have the one vehicle, it doesn't matter.
          It's only a hobby!


          • #6
            I used to be with the RAC but got terrible service off them three times when I had all my old 2.4 head problems - once left on the hard shoulder of the M27 for about 4 hours until 2am. Not surprisingly I went elsewhere at renewal time - now with the AA.

            Greenflag may be o.k. but they are vehicle-specific (so costs depend on age of vehicle etc) - no good for me as I have 4 vehicles I want covered.

            To be honest, I don't think there is much between them when it comes to service - every callout I have had has ended up being contracted to a local garage recovery truck anyway, so it more depends on where you are, what time it is and how lucky you are!
            No longer a Surf owner.


            • #7
              norwich union, what i like about their poicy (apart from being cheap) was that i am covered for any vehicle that i am travelling in, not just my own car.


              • #8
                green flag for me and the caravan well the surf and the van
                if a politition is talking its lying


                • #9
                  Always been with the AA....

                  Initally went with their top policy of of Option 400 which covers all Home Start, relay, Roadside and Relay Plus etc...

                  Moved down to Option 300 [Roadside, Relay and Home-Start]. Had to use them 1-1/2 times. Once with my old car and started hading over details of the Surf when it wouldnt start one day and suddenly started so cancelled the call-out [changed Starter Contacts later on]

                  http://www.the-aa.com/services/breakdowncover/index.jsp - gives breakdown cover types and charges


                  • #10
                    always been with rac and only ever had good service off them. have rescue recovery and home start. think its about 120 mate
                    TeaM BOFA4x4 Mac 2008



                    • #11
                      Used to be with Greenflag but after a couple of call outs where I got lousey service changed to the AA. Cant fault them. Had to call them out twice once to an old car I had and once to my old Yam 900. Both times great service even knew what they were doing with the bike. 'Cos I havent called them out for a few years they've up graded me to home start for free. Greenflag use local garages so its very much luck of the drawer who comes to you some good some bad


                      • #12
                        I used to be an AA patrol 'person' so know wots involved and wot people expect from the service . I got free cover for Tam when I worked for them and just carried it on , with paying , after I left .

                        The Runner broke down in a puddle at Bures Pit , I managed to get it home as Tam had forgotten to add me to her cover as I have a company car cover .

                        Now covered and got free upgrade of Home Start as loyal member .

                        Covered wot ever car/vehicle travelling in so can even get home when in my mates old banger .
                        Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!


                        • #13
                          i'm with AA through a family cover thing... it's pretty good, they recovered my mates car when it broke down on the way to cornwall (took a while though!)

                          also with Green flag just cos it comes free with my bank account... never used it and not really sure how to cos i never got a card... just a booklet that i never read!
                          nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Surferjess
                            Well Pops,
                            Bin previously classed as a Civil Servant (Postman) CSMA operate Britania Rescue cover who co-operate with Green Flag.
                            Iv'e had no Probs over the last 14yrs & waited no longer than 20 mins.
                            If you got family as Civil Servant it will be easy & worthwhile.
                            Hope this of some help.
                            Id'e be pleased to hear how you get on

                            Check out here www.csma.uk.com
                            Yep we got CSMA/britania cover too,only used them once but they were xcelent.
                            Hey pops have you ever been on one of the CSMA's offroad days,you should you know cos they is good fun,and thats how we discovered Norfolk.
                            If the puddles to deep..LEARN TO SCUBA.


                            • #15
                              has anyone had any issues when er i mean if (presume it dont happen much with our reliable beasties ) they need towing etc from a breakdown.
                              Only i recall bloke at work who bort the companies old truck with plan to strip it down to flatbed kinda thing to use for 4x4's cause normal break down co. wouldn't ever load them cause they're too big. Sounded wierd to me but he said to ceck my policy as they all exclude 4x4's?
                              Hope i get to get to go

